The Summer Children

The Summer Children is a group of four people that were hired to investigate the disappearances of people with fey ancestry. They were investigating around the Silvershade region.  


The Summer Children were originally separate people responding to a call from the elven king of Silvershade to investigate the disappearance of many of his citizens. While several groups did form out of this, they were the only ones that stuck to the investigation and found the cause. Their actions ensured that fey influence in Malgrave stayed aligned towards more good and neutral, rather than allowing Unseelie to become the major court in power. While the group did not stay together after the completion of their mission, they are honored alongside the elven queen who sacrificed herself during the conflict.   Each member was one who had a level of fey heritage as well. Whether that increased their interest in completing their job or if it just gave them proximity to the conflict is unclear.

Notable People

  • Skjollar Skogenand
  • Goren Azulath
  • Thackary
  • Boog


During the summer of the first year of the Age of Tranquility, elves began disappearing from the area surrounding Silvershade, the high elf capitol. A call to aide and investigate was sent out by the the current king, Thelas Oriellien. Many responded and would form small groups to scour the land for the culprits. One of these teams, made up of four responders, would eventually become known as the Summer Children.   Skjollar Skogenand, an Eldarin from Svantyne, the Living Woods, arrived under the belief he had been sent by the guardian on the forest, The Silent One.
Goren Azulath, a mermaid from Merios who came to see if there was any relation to the disappearances of her own people.
Thackary, a young, half-elf bard who often wandered the border between Westfall and Silvershade in look for work.
And Boog, a half-elf that had learned to survive on his own in the Silvershade Forest and sensed a disturbance in nature that made him seek answers in the elven capitol.   Seeing that refugees had been poorly managed and crammed into a small section of the city, the team started there, both to offer their help and to see if they could get any answers. They learned that most of the disappearances had been clustered in a certain area but were still spanning across the world. With a direction to head, they took off after giving food and coin to the trapped refugees. Once the group arrived outside a newly formed goblin city, they at first suspected the fanatics of the city might be behind everything.   To their surprise, they were ambushed by Unseelie Fey creatures and found that the goblins had been suffering from disappearances as well. They managed to kill most of a group of Quicklings and Red Caps, letting one of the speedy fey go to try and track and follow. When they did catch up to it, they found themselves at the base of an ancient tree. Inside were chrysalises holding all of the creatures of fey ancestry in a suspended state. A fairy told them that they were preparing for the summer solstice. It was a special moon arriving that would allow the Fey to present hosts for the leaders of the Seelie Court to rejuvinate their Queen, Titania. However, this also presented the opportunity for the Unseelie to bring forth a host for the Queen of Air and Darkness. Whoever could present a suitable host first would be the one to decide if the fey stayed closer to the light and fun mischief, or if they began to stray into darkness.   The group brought this information to the elven king, explaining the urgency that a proper host be presented, both for the release of the captives, but also the fate of the entire Fey Realm surrounding Malgrave. The queen, Feluriel, empathized and understood the urgency. Offering herself, she requested the team of four bring her to the ancient tree. The king refused to let her go, much to the frustration of all present as they believed she would be a perfect candidate and could save so many others.   As they planned their course of action, mostly settling on holding off the Unseelie from presenting their offerings as long as possible until one of the potential hosts for Titania was chosen. During this planning, inside the refugee camp, Queen Feluriel approached them, having slipped away while the king had his attention elsewhere. She declared that she would do what was right for her people, regardless of what her husband decreed, much to Goren's approval. They escorted her to the tree, waiting for the moon to align.   They were attacked by hoards of goblins, trols and orcs, the promise by the Queen of Air and Darkness to allow them back as fey creatures once again was too great to pass up. The four adventurers held them off, knowing it was only a matter of time before they were completely overwhelmed. They lasted long enough for Titania to assess and approve of Feluriel, merging into the elven queen and calling off the attack, promising the same thing to the orcs and goblins that her counterpart had, only if they let the four live.   Their bravery and dedication was fondly remembered by Titania, especially with the memories of Feluriel added to her own, and she decided to name the group her Summer Children, the mortal champions of the Queen of the Summer Court.


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