Warforged Schematics Document in Malgrave | World Anvil

Warforged Schematics

The first blueprints that contained a complete schematic for the Warforged in Malgrave were discovered in an abandoned workshop north of the borders of Maracia. While the design engineer behind it was never located, several hand written journals have been traced to a Calyne Jayne Duskfeather, most often signed as 'C.J.'. The original documents contain diagrams and instructions to build more articulate golems and a device to extract souls.  

Theories and Speculations

Without the designer ever being found, archivists and historians believe that original intent was to save a loved one by extracting their soul from their failing body and put it into the body of a complex golem as a replacement. The personal journals mention concern for someone C.J. Duskfeather referred to as 'Silka' several times and how her health steadily declined after escaping a place that is never mentioned directly by name. The terminology used makes it difficult to know if she was generally a very technical person, or if she herself was trying to replicate the design. Further looking into the journals, it is noted that there was a lack of certainty the process was successful. Her design was fully operational, but seemed to fear Silka's personality was lost, stating it could take time as if being reincarnated, or that without the same mind it would be impossible for her to recall any previous memories. The entries stop before this is answered.   Many scholars believe that C.J. and Silka landed in Malgrave by accident, as most places mentioned in the journals have never been heard of. This theory leads to the belief that Silka was indeed a construct already, as it would be likely to make her body unstable outside of her realm's magic and influence.  


The design is much more like an anatomy diagram than a construct instruction manual. There is an internal frame treated much like a skeleton, with the chest and the skull housing the soul core and the memory core respectively. Plantlike material is used like tendons and musculature, making it easier to create more articulated joints. Major areas are covered with some armor plating, with connectors designed to attach traditional armor over the top of the rest of the frame. The soul core provides the energy to move the body, while runes etched into the inner skull will write complex threads of data into the memory core. The memory core can have preset information stored inside, such as language and how to move, even to things as complex as master artisans and experienced adventurers.   The soul extractor is separate and is used to condense spiritual energy from the air into a soul bead. It can be used to extract directly from a person, but it has been proven to more often fail than succeed in doing so. Rare cases do show that Warforged can overwrite their base settings in their memory core if the personality of the soul bead does not match the purpose set.  


The schematics were first found early in the Age of Intelligence by Warlord Baracus Krieg. Ignoring the original purpose, he had hundreds of enslaved gnomes and halflings build armies with these designs, which would become the origin for naming these beings 'Warforged'. Over the years the design would continue to be altered to make each one more suited to specific tasks in combat. Due to the devastation these soldiers caused, when Krieg was finally defeated the workshops were shut down and the blueprints locked away by the leaders of what is now Westfall.   Even with this information locked away, several gnomes and halflings still had the schematics memorized from how long they had been working on them. Those that knew have passed down the knowledge in secret in case they ever need help protecting themselves from stronger enemies. Some who cannot have children for whatever reason might use this knowledge to build a child in the spirit of the original designs and intents.


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