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Truffle pig

Honor the noble Truffle Pig, the porcine provider of those delicious deep-hiding fungal delicacies. Raised primarily in and around Spinify Village these pigs are trained from an early age to sniff out the deep growing truffles. Their owners let them nuzzle a sample or two so they will recognize the scent, attach a collar and a leash to the beast and off they go through the forest.   Pigs, being very smart creatures, catch on quickly and soon they are snuffling over a spot, here and a spot there, cutting the ground with their toes if their owner is too slow for their tastes. A successful dig rewards both the owner and the pig, the best porkers get a bit of the find as well.   This is not just for training. Over the years man plus pig has found that allowed a portion of the find to go to the pig actually increases the production of truffles in future years. The pig eats, then later excretes, spreading the material needed for future growth among the oak trees of the forest. This is a long term process, the best truffles take years to grow, but the wise Truffle hunter will note the places his pig has been and return there in years to come.   The best pigs are out on the hunt for many years, but they don't live forever. It may seem unfair, but when the nose for fungi begins to decline the pig makes some of the best sausage available, slightly flavored with an all natural truffle note.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Domesticated pigs, they grow fast and learn to sniff truffles quickly.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Pigs can eat most anything and manage to thrive on diets that would be unsuitable for most creatures. They do best on a combination of grains and assorted vegetables and acorns.

Additional Information


Domesticated. Smaller and more docile than their wild boar cousins, they also grow more quickly and produce larger litters, due both to breeding and plentiful food.
This method of acquiring truffles is not meant to be a guide to how it is done in other realms.   See Summercamp 2020 for all my articles.
Truffle Pig by Roy Buri from Pixabay
Scientific Name
6-10 years
Geographic Distribution


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