Corellon Larethian, The Arch Heart

This diety is incorporated from the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk. All information in Italics is pulled from other references.
  Corellon is the paragon diety of ElvesCorellon's clergy can be identified by silver circlets and gossamer robes of the brightest azure.  While the deity is androgynous, historical depictions by secular sources have portrayed them as both genders.  Corellon's investment is in the expression and mastery of all arts: magic, music, craft, poetry, and war.

Divine Domains

Corellon's influence lies in the domains of Arcana, Life, Light, and War

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols: Either a Quarter Moon or a Starburst

Tenets of Faith

Create, inspire, and find beauty in all that you do.
Follow the echoes of lost magics, forgotten sites, and ancient art, for within these lie the Arch Heart's first Works


The evenings of the quarter moons are treated as their clergy's holy days.  Corellon is worshipped at natural geologic formations.
Divine Classification
Paragon Diety
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Ruler of All Elves, Preserver of Life, The Protector


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