Garl Glittergold, The Sparkling Wit

This diety is incorporated from the Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk. All information in Italics is pulled from other references.

Garl Glittergold is the diety of Gnomes. His clergy can be identified by their war helms and golden belts. Novice priests are known as the Uncut, while full priests are called Jewels. The ranks in Garl's hierarchy are, in ascending order, the Amethyst, Topaz, Opal, Jacinth, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, and Sapphire priests. High priestesses are called Star Rubies while male high priests are called Star Sapphires. Specialty priests are called glitterbrights.

Priests of the Sparkling Wit serve as crafters, teachers, goldsmiths, miners, entertainers, mediators, councilors, and protectors. They defend the community against outside threats, often with axes, their god's favored weapon.
Garl's prominent temple The Geode Jubilance exists at the center of Kinjome in Lacington
. The temple exists in Kinjome across the square from The Crystal Orchard. The temple is a cross between an actual structure and a giant geode that gives the facsimile of a basilica dome.

Divine Domains

Garl's domains of influence include Luck, Protection, and Trickery.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbol: Gold Nugget

Tenets of Faith

A sense of humor is an important thing for anyone to cultivate, regardless of their hardships. The inhabitants of a community ought to cooperate for the greater good. Pranks are a sacrament. Authority figures shouldn't take themselves too seriously. The tales and jokes of the gnomish people should be preserved, but change should not be feared.


Worship services are held on the 13th of each month in a holiday known as the Communion of Laughter. Lasting the whole day, the Communion of Laughter includes quiet contemplation, prayer, communal eating, dancing, storytelling, and joke-telling contests.
Divine Classification
Paragon Diety
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Joker, The Priceless Gem, The Watchful Protector, The Father of All Gnomes


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