Index: Locations of Arcane Study

The practice of magical learning can be found throughout the Storm Broken Lands. While there are many private individuals that attempt the art on their own, most practitioners of the arcane arts get their footing within one of these locations. That said, magic is still an art that a person must have an aptitude for. Because of that, the abundance of these places of learning does not mean that wizards are commonplace among the populace. Rather, these institutes either have a rigorous admittance process or take tuition from a horde of new students to only have a single person make it beyond the first year.

Alderidge Academy

Location: Bramble Thicket
Admittance: The Alderidge Academy follows a varied admittance process that mixes the tutelage of high-paying families with the gathering of those with innate potential to train for a safer world. The Alderidge Academy has established itself outside of any city and separate from any governing nation, guild, or order to attempt to keep politics out of its goals. The academy's professors are funded by the private students to allow them to better find and instruct those most in need of their training.

Arcanists Guild of Essentialist Philosophy/A.G.E.P

Location: Argil
Admittance: A.G.E.P. is divided into two sets of members based on their purpose within the guild. The prominent members of the guild are already established arcanists that are invited to join as if it were a prestigious club. For them, A.G.E.P. serves as a society of like-minded individuals to aid each other's projects and egos. The lower members of the guild are the students of these masters that pay extraordinary sums of money to be taught the arcane arts no matter their actual aptitude for the craft. These students bankroll the master's projects and more than one private party in their time.

Enlightened Repository

Location: Lacington
Admittance: The Enlightened Repository is the most prominent of a handful of smaller arcane practices within the gnomish town. Home to the Weavers (see Magic as Ribbons: An Introductional Thesis), gaining instruction is less of an admittance process and more of a rehearsal process. The practiced arcanists of the Enlightened Repository act more as tutors and guides to self-taught starters. The Art of the Arcane is treated as an art form and the teachers want to be impressed with personal drive and unique expression. The instructors tutor few students at any time as they continue their own studies and pursuits. While the artistry is a focus for development, the masters of the group do maintain academic mindsets of varying degrees.


Location: New Derth
Admittance: Upkept by the Institute of Lore & Erudition (one of New Derth's Uberguilds), Runecolj serves as the center of arcane practice within the metropolis. Runecolj follows the admittance practice of "letting anyone and everyone possibly join the lowest tier" for a handful of reasons. First, having a steady inflow of small money for the school undelegated by the Institute allows for less strict margins on their projects. Second, with magical aptitude so rare, having a low barrier entry allows the school better chances of sieving the massive populace of the city for those most likely to succeed. Those that lack any potential are filtered out with little loss. Those poorer students with minor potential have the opportunity of raising their economic status with better "low skill" jobs such as joining the low-end labor of the Meldcrafters (wondrous item makers of the school).

Specialized Officer Arcane Division/S.O.A.D. (pronounced Soh-Ad)

Admittance: Admittance is purely through military service. Towards the end of basic training in Gusede, the instructors of the S.O.A.D. go through a process known as the Selection to pull promising youths for further vetting. Anyone deemed to have enough promise is offered a position for advanced training. Acceptance gains the promising youth the potential of arcane mastery while signing away more years of service to the military. In exchange for the training, service time is doubled to a required 20 years from time of graduation.


Outside of these specific locations, it is possible to find arcane teachers throughout the lands whether they are retired adventurers, shop owners seeking supplemental income, or specialized circumstances. Of note, no precise location within Bactran has been listed above. Despite that, Bactran's role as a city of wonder makes it prime for finding arcane practitioners willing to teach for money, favor, free labor, powerful connections, or any other reason known to man.


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