New Society of Adossag Execution Notice

By order of his lordship Cand Wenyakanu, to keep the peace within our society, and honor the authority rightfully claimed by the Wenyakanu line, the following has been found to be Righteous:   ~The wandering exorcist Galgaliel is guilty of insurrectionist ideals within the New Society of Adossag.   ~The perpetrator was given warning of his misdeeds and given ample opportunity to leave in peace   ~The wandering exorcist Galgaliel is guilty of disorderly conduct among the New Society of Adossag.   ~After temporary confinement for the safety of the people, the perpetrator was given warning of his misdeeds and given ample opportunity to leave in peace   ~The wandering exorcist Galgaliel is guilty of conspiracy to commit treason against the New Society of Adossag and displayed capable force publically of doing so.   ~ The perpetrator's repeated and increasing offenses against the New Society of Adossag has required the perpetrator to be dealt with in a definitive manner.   By order of his lordship Cand Wenyakanu, to keep the peace within our society, and honor the authority rightfully claimed by the Wenyakanu line, the following has been found to be Righteous:   ~The wandering exorcist Galgaliel is to be put to death within view of the public upon the 8th of Cascade, 637 AI
Historical Note: The date of 637 AI (Age of Isolation) does not formally exist.  In 513 "AI", sages decreed the start of a new age (the Age of Community/AC).  This document was created 124 years after the turning of the Age.  The  historian's date for 637 AI = 137 AH
Religious Note: Unknown to all but the most studied in religions, "Galgaliel" is not a true name to be dubbed but a title used by Celestial beings when acting in service to different gods of Mount Celestia.  Having an outsider's true name allows for magic to better hold sway over them such as for summoning.  To combat this, many entities will use the term for self identification while working on the prime material plane.  As long as the term is universally used by celestial forces, it cannot be used against any one in particular.


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