Scales of Justice

Taken from the Heartsieve Wastes as context for this group: The bandlands south east of The Chisel Peaks are a desolate locale. Flat cracked desert interspersed with mountains and crags make it a naturally hostile environment. Despite this, an industry of resource acquisition has spread out into the region. Dubbed the “Heartsieve Wastes”, the lands have gold, silver, and coal for those with the will to find it. Small towns quickly erect themselves near new prospects and die just as fast.
  This organization became relevant in 1029 AC   Due to the dangerous nature of the work and the environment it is in, most inhabitants of New Derth do not find the opportunity worth it. Guilds from within the city establish trade and worker agreements but interaction rarely goes further than supervisors and possibly a company mayor for the town. The many mining towns are populated by foreigners who make their way through New Derth seeking their fortunes. The rest of the occupants of these towns come from the tribal peoples of the north, especially those of orcs, goblinoids, and gnolls. These monstrous inhabitants are rarely treated equally. Of late, a combination of mixed folk and monstrous humanoids have begun to rise up against the guilds of New Derth responsible for the mining towns. Calling themselves The Scales of Justice, they have gone so far as to lash out against the furthest of the small dwarven communities of the sourthern Chisel Peaks. New Derth's Military has been summoned to respond to these assaults and deal with the raiders and uprisers. Because all of the known members of the Scales of Justice are nondwarven and target dwarves.


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