Spark Inside: Vistul's Entreaty

The following is an old folk song said to be the current form of an ancient hymn of the old god Vistul, The Hopebloomer .
  A spark is there inside you
It’s been there since your first
The energy flowing through you
It’s carried you on since birth
  This flowing river pours from inside
You are not its maker nor are you its prop
The force has passed down the line
Brought from family roots to you at top
  Sparks are all about you
They exist in each you see
Some embers die
While others catch and feed
  The fire that burns inside you
Has raged for millennia
It spreads and growths and never slows
And serves no insignia
  It flies no noble banner
A mercenary is at work
A furnace only knows one job
Not enslaved and will not shirk
  Do not look down upon those below you
Neither dog, nor bird, nor swine
Do not destroy the world around you
Whether tree or bush or vine
  The energy found within
Excluding almost none
The wellspring that fills each vessel
Can all be found as one
  A tree bears fruit so we will spread it
A hive needs not its trove
A spider will remove galling gnats
If sheltered in your home
  A spark is there inside you
It’s carried you on since birth
An energy flowing through you
But you determine its worth


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