Sunken Ceshau

The Ceshau was once a single large island. Lying at the intersecting points of magical and planar ley lines, many temples, shrines, laboratories and other centers of power were constructed around these nodes. Great and mighty works were performed at the sights. Over time, these nodes were not only used but pushed further, mined for their potential. In the end, the stress broke the spirit of the island and it sunk. Parts of the larger landmass remain above water scattered as individual islands.

The islands remained dormant for centuries due to the danger they represented both in historical choices and imminently. Monstrous creatures call the islands home as well as the remains of all of the sites. Expeditions to reclaim lost knowledge and artifacts is underway but a majority are complete failures with very few individuals making it out. The most success has come from the southern island.
    Western Island The western island of the Sunken Ceshau is separated by a swamp. The northern half of this island is rolling jungles while the southern half is jungled mountains.

  Northern Island Moderately graded terrain, this island has a single, lower peak at its center. No notable locations of power have been found yet on this island. What is known is that this island contains fewer kinds of fauna than the others. In their place are more bestial threats.
  Central Island: “Arcanist's Horn” Named for the number of arcane laboratories that honeycomb this island, the geography is that of a single, twisting edifice like a demented mage's tower. A few such labs have been explored. Some have been overrun by monstrosities while others maintain the defenses of their ancient builders.
  Eastern Island: Rising straight up from the sea is a plateau. This broken landing is more of a raised bowl than a mountain. The basin contains a temple to outworld beings though no known pantheon is identified.
    Southern Island This island is the most explored and therefore safest of all of the Sunken Ceshau. The small coastal fort of Scheuwaste serves as a hub and last point of civilized contact. Nicknamed “Death's Door” door due to the number of fresh explorers and adventurers that seek their fortune and never return. A small amount of supplies can be found for sale at  Scheuwaste and it also serves as a pawning location for unwanted goods. Many excavation sites are scattered across the southern island though few are maintained for any length of time. Those lucky enough to make it out with a good find don't return and those that stay to maintain the sites are gambling against the clock. One site that has been located but not explored yet is a lost monastery of monks focused on flipping the power dynamic between mortals and immortals. Only one reported group has delved into this location and it did not return.


  • Sunken Ceshau


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