Wealth Reclamation Society: Articles of Practice

The Wealth Reclamation Society was found late in the Age of Community (the current age) as a means of monitoring the slow growth of treasure hunters seeking glory and goods from centuries past. Rather than simply criminalize the actions and increase possible destruction and bloodshed, the organization creates a guided way for individuals to make their names and livelihoods at the expense of those long dead with no one left to grieve for their loss. There is a single base of operations for the society as well as outposts for reporting-in located in most major cities.   Articles of Practice
  1. All individuals seeking the support of the Wealth Reclamation Society or wishing to partake in a venture with members must be registered at the society’s base or one of its outposts. All ventures undertaken with the society’s name must be submitted to the base or an outpost upon beginning and upon completion or termination.
  2. Upon assembling a party, one above all others should be considered the Leader and shall be directly or indirectly responsible for all endeavors of diplomacy, management, funding, and morale. If a net bounty is taken, the Leader is entitled to two full shares. The Leader may appoint a First Officer to rule in his absence, however, the First Officer’s actions fall directly upon the Leader and the First Officer is granted no further rights due to this position.
  3. All other members of the party shall be considered crew (including the First Officer) and are entitled to one share of the net bounty. Upon enlisting into a crew, a member may declare himself a specialist (healer, engineer, arcanist, etc.) and be entitled to an additional half share. If , at any time, the majority of the crew finds the specialist to have failed upon his designation, one full share of pay shall be forfeit and the deceit shall be notified to the Wealth Reclamation Society.
  4. Loss of a limb during pursuit of the stated party cause entitles the victim to one full share of the pursued net bounty. Loss of an eye, ear, or gratuitous disfigurement entitles the victim to half a share. Loss of a digit shall entitle the victim to a quarter share.
  5. All party debts to funders and the like shall be settled before net bounty is calculated and shares are distributed.
  6. Additional help to the party shall be paid in a single, set payment or wage negotiated by the leader. This help is not entitled to any shares of net bounty.
  7. Congregate insubordination by any more that two crew members and less than all shall be considered attempted mutiny and the Leader is free to deal with the situation as he wishes granted that the decision does not impede upon the laws of the land resided upon.
  8. Wealth reclamation from structures less than two centuries old shall be considered grave robbing or burglary and not supported by the Wealth Reclamation Society. Any known offenders shall be considered as criminal plunderers, excommunicated from the society, and held to the appropriate justice.
  9. Wealth reclamation on private land without explicit permission with foreknowledge of intent from the highest available authority shall be considered grave robbing or burglary and not supported by the Wealth Reclamation Society. Any known offenders shall be considered as criminal plunderers, excommunicated from the society, and held to the appropriate justice.
  10. Wealth that can be proved to be from the Age of Heroism is exempt from Articles VIII and IX due to the historic value if all recovered pieces are provided to established academic institutions. This article exempts the actions from the Wealth Reclamation Society but does not ensure any effect upon other private and public parties.


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