Zone of Truth and the Law

The implications of the ability for capable clerics and paladins to compel the truth from individuals has major impacts on societies and their development. While a majority of the world does not have easy access to spellcraft, most major societies do. The usage of truth compulsions not only impacts how the law of a society works also pressures how criminal and the common folk interact with the law. The threat of having every misdeed pulled from an individual can lead to no one being willing to comply with street level officers let alone testify. Because of this, the major cities of the Storm Broken Lands have all adopted their own relationship with truth compulsions and the judicial system.   Phaloxil
For the most part, Phaloxil only uses truth compulsion to confirm witness and expert testimony during criminal cases. The accused are not put under such enchantments as a means of quelling backlash from the underbelly of the city. Individuals agreeing to give testimony of their free will may be returned to again in the future through a court case. Warrants (either specific or a number for general usage) may be issued by a judge for individuals to be brought in for a Compulsatory Deposition. In such a case, both sides of the case are given access to the individual at the same time, taking turns in questioning. Once the Compulsatory Deposition is over, the court cannot return to that individual for further questioning unless extraordinary evidence requires the overseeing council to order a second subpoena.
The majority of court cases are held in real time with established Circles of Truth upon the witness stand. Testimony of any claimant, defendant, or witness are not required to take place under the compulsion but it is favorable to do so considering the it was more heavily in the eyes of the judges. As a means of protection, the speaker must be aware of what topics the barristers plan on asking when under the compulsion. Judges have the authority to stop a line of questioning if it gets too far from the agreed topic or allow a line to stray further than initially agreed if they feel it is pertinent to the situation. Standees may refuse to answer the questions but that also sways judge opinion on the ruling.
  New Derth
New Derth is most liberal with the use of truth compulsions in the judiciary process. If brought before a judge, suspects can expect extensive and lengthy questioning on any line of thought they wish. Because of this, some accused make deals and bargains before their case gets to a judge. While a truth compulsion is used to ensure that the information and promises made in the deal are legitimate, it saves a convict from the risk of having their whole life exposed. Most deals involve giving up information that would be unlikely to come out during questioning or providing a service such as installing an undercover agent or providing personal paraphernalia from local guilds or gangs. Individuals who make such a deal and then work against it set themselves up for the Death Penalty if ever caught again. It is also this intense judiciary system that has pushed many Copper Crooks (the city guard) into corrupt tendencies such as accepting bribes, unlawful seizure, and abuse of power. People, guilty or innocent of any particular offense, are willing to deal with elements of the corruption if it keeps them from having their lives torn open under the gaze of a judge.


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