Manalith Academy

Article Contents

"First I want to welcome everyone to Manalith Academy! As you might know, we are the top school in the Northeast, dedicated to the education of a very diverse group of people from around the world, where... I don't care who you are!"

"Let me be absolutely clear. I don't care if you are the child of a King, a Demon Lord, or Vampire Lord. I don't care if you come from the Celestial Realm. I don't care if you are an Elemental, Elf, or otherwise. I don't care if you are my daughter or my niece. I don't care if you happen to be lucky enough to be a pure human of any race..."

"The unsupervised use of any inhuman abilities on campus by a student is prohibited! There are very few exceptions! You will be punished and even expelled depending on what powers you use!"

"The rest of the rules are pretty boring and standard for any boarding school you have ever been to. You have a Handbook. Hopefully you read it. Ignorance is no excuse here! And... that's it! You're free to go. Your first class starts in an hour!"

- Arianne Luvia, 32nd Headmaster of the Manalith Academy

Founded over three centuries ago, Manalith Academy was originally called Abigail's Charming School, and acted as a Finishing School. It was also one of the first schools for witches in the Americas, teaching magically gifted girls how to control their powers, as well as how to hide their magic and take advantage of it. A number of girls from all over New England came here and were safe from persecution for their innate abilities.

In the 1850's after the Great Revealing, the school underwent a large expansion and was renamed Manalith Academy and accepted magically gifted students of all genders. The school started to focus much more on academics and was competitive with other high schools in the region. It of course continued to offer training in magic, and was one of the first schools in America to offer an official Magika Certification. During those times, the school only accepted students that were of specific Bloodlines, that of elves, vampires, and witches.

In the early 1900's, masses of migrants from across the world came to America, and with them, more magical bloodlines. Werewolves were accepted into the school by 1912. Elementals were accepted in 1919. Multiple other bloodlines (Scarabs, Nahuals, Djinn, etc.) were first accepted in 1933.

Today Manalith Academy attracts students from across the world and even worlds beyond. No less than seven Demon Lords had their children enrolled in the school in the last decade, as well as three Celestial Lords. The school has space dedicated to the big spenders like these, but also reserves around a quarter of their student capacity serving poorer students, giving out millions in scholarships each year.

Established: 1698
Location: Mystic, Connecticut
Founder: Abigail Faulkner (possible) First Headmaster: Thomas Lamson
Headmaster: Arianne Luvia (2011 - )
Staff: 350

Gender: Co-education
Age: 14-20
Grades: 9-12+
Enrolment: ≈600
Motto: "Natura est summum!"
((Our nature is supreme!"))

Colors: Red, Blue, Violet, White
██,██,██, ██


((Author's Note: Map contains an alternate view with no annotations and four marker groups with 25 total markers.))
Manalith Map

Notable Faculty

Most of the teachers at the Academy are vampires, elementals, and the like, sharing similar bloodlines as the students. When concerning their bloodline, they are quite powerful, able to teach students everything there is to know about their powers, and also to keep the more hard headed students in check. The Headmaster does a vigorous background check on every faculty member, ensuring they are who they say they are (because of Changelings) and making sure they don't influence the students in negative ways (because of Outer God Cults and other dark things).



Arianne teaches physics and calculus. As headmaster, she turned Manlith Academy into one of the top performing schools in the nation. Due to her policies and leadership, she is seen as one of the better Headmasters. Arianne attended Manalith as a student herself a few decades ago and was initially one of the worst performing, most disrespectful students they ever had.

"((how hard headed can my niece possibly be!?!))... Remi, This Crucifix is sterling silver, which causes temporary blindness in vampires that see it. It's a banned item. Give it here, now!... What am I going to do with you?!?... Look, if you're afraid of getting in a fight with a vampire, ((knowing you it's inevitable)), I'll tell you what isn't banned. Try this Oak Cross necklace soaked in Holy Water!"


A 2,000 year old Dryad Vampire from Greece. Her long life took her to many places until she ended up as the Matron of an Oak Grove not far from the Academy school grounds. Dusk primarily teaches biology and astronomy. She also teaches history, having lived through much of it herself. The students regard her as being kind and motherly, though a bit scary.

"Vampirism didn't start out as a bloodline trait. Vampires were first created by ritual with certain powerful beings like Lilith, Lamia, Camazotz, Nyarglunn, and others. Once these beings disappeared from Earth thousands of years ago, no more pure vampires could be created. Who did I do the blood ritual with? That's something I'll never tell! Anyhow, back to the lesson..."

Augustin (Hound)

A former Werewolf from Eastern Europe. He is one of the school's sports coaches, but also teaches various levels of math. Werewolves are warned about the "Hound" before they arrive at Manalith Academy, about a traitor to all of their kind. Augustin put his past behind him long ago and is now only concerned with making sure the next generation doesn't make the same mistakes he did.

"Why did I forsake my kind? Have you heard the howls coming from the asylum a few miles away? I still remember the madness that overtook us decades ago and what it caused us to do. And what happened after? We were abandoned. So yes, I made a deal and cured myself, and I do not use the word 'cure' lightly. Does anyone else have anymore questions before we start?"


A free spirited fire elemental. She teaches chemistry, geology, and elemental magic. Her unconventional teaching methods have gotten the school in trouble in the past, but she is one of the most popular teachers at the school and her students consistently have excellent exam results.

"Alright Class... today, we're going to do something Super Illegal, but don't worry about that part! I'm going to take this chunk of coal here and with my power, mimic the conditions found a hundred miles below the planet's surface! Tell me, what do you get when you crush Carbon under intense heat and pressure? The first one to guess correctly will recieve the result as a prize!"


Arianne teaches physics and calculus. As headmaster, she turned Manlith Academy into one of the top performing schools in the nation. Due to her policies and leadership, she is seen as one of the better Headmasters. Arianne attended Manalith as a student herself a few decades ago and was initially one of the worst performing, most disrespectful students they ever had.

((how hard headed can my niece possibly be!?!))... "Remi, This Crucifix is sterling silver, which causes temporary blindness in vampires that see it. It's a banned item. Give it here, now!... What am I going to do with you?!?... Look, if you're afraid of getting in a fight with a vampire," ((knowing you it's inevitable)), "I'll tell you what isn't banned. Try this Oak Cross necklace soaked in Holy Water!"


A 2,000 year old Dryad Vampire from Greece. Her long life took her to many places until she ended up as the Matron of an Oak Grove not far from the Academy school grounds. Dusk primarily teaches the natural sciences, especially biology. She also teaches history, having lived through much of it herself. The students regard her as being kind and motherly, though a bit scary.

"Vampirism didn't start out as a bloodline trait. Vampires were first created by ritual with certain powerful beings like Lilith, Lamia, Camazotz, Nyarglunn, and others. Once these beings disappeared from Earth thousands of years ago, no more pure vampires could be created. Who did I do the blood ritual with? That's something I'll never tell! Anyhow, back to the lesson..."

Augustin (Hound)

A former Werewolf from Eastern Europe. He is one of the school's sports coaches, but also teaches various levels of math. Werewolves are warned about the "Hound" before they arrive at Manalith Academy, about a traitor to all of their kind. Augustin put his past behind him long ago and is now only concerned with making sure the next generation doesn't make the same mistakes he did.

"Why did I forsake my kind? Have you heard the howls coming from the asylum a few miles away? I still remember the madness that overtook us decades ago and what it caused us to do. And what happened after? We were abandoned. So yes, I made a deal and cured myself, and I do not use the word 'cure' lightly. Does anyone else have anymore questions before we start?"


A free spirited fire elemental. She teaches chemistry, geology, and elemental magic. Her unconventional teaching methods have gotten the school in trouble in the past, but she is one of the most popular teachers at the school and her students consistently have excellent exam results.

"Alright Class... today, we're going to do something Super Illegal, but don't worry about that part! I'm going to take this chunk of coal here and with my power, mimic the conditions found a hundred miles below the planet's surface! Tell me, what do you get when you crush Carbon under intense heat and pressure? The first one to guess correctly will recieve the result as a prize!"

Servant Staff

"... H...ell..... .... elllll.... .... llll ... .... .....Helllll ..... ooo .... ... heloooo!"


A large number of the support staff consists of Servant Dolls, imported from France. Made of treated oak and cedar, they are resistant to the elements and last as long as the sigil binding the poltergeist to the object. The Academy has been using these for around a century and it uses them for all manner of things, from cleaning and cooking, to keeping students out of certain areas, to acting as guides around the school grounds. They are also used for the school's defense, such as during the Werewolf Riots of 1942. They are usually rather single minded, and are trained to perform only one or two tasks, which they take Very Seriously.

The dolls only last around a decade generally, and many of them develop simple personalities during their time at the Academy, mirroring the students actions and words. This is only immitation at the most basic level, and very rarely is a doll capable of independent thought and forming their own words. Those that do often struggle to speak. The longest lasting doll at the school is named Paige, and she is actually from the very first shipment of servant dolls the school ever recieved.

"Your handbook explains this already. If you are caught harassing a servant doll, you will spend an afternoon in Detention. Damaging a servant doll will result in a week of Detention. Destroying a servant doll or causing one to give up on existing is ground for expulsion, plus a fourteen thousand dollar fine! I know it seems like we have an endless supply of them, but they are expensive, need to be trained, and until you graduate, are far more valuable than you are!
- Arianne


Manalith Academy's curriculum is mostly that of a traditional American Highschool, enrolling students for four years, from what is traditionally considered 9th Grade in America (14 to 15 years old) to the 12th grade (18 to 19 years old). This gives students enough time to earn a Highschool Diploma.

Some high achievers are able to earn an Associate's Degree at the same time by taking college level courses both at the Academy and the nearby Miskatonic University Branch. Most importantly, they recieve their Magika Ceritfication upon graduation. The Academy allows students up to 20 years old to be enrolled, but this is mostly just a paper formality, as unless they failed a grade, the majority of their classes are in the nearby University Branch.

Manalith Academy utilizes a Block Schedule consisting of four 90 minute classes each day, with an optional fifth class in the late afternoon. Classes change each semester. The first semester runs from August to December, and the second semester runs from January to May. On completing a class, a student is awarded one credit, and they can earn up to 10 a year.

The minimum requirements for a highschool diploma in Connecticut is 25 credits. Manalith will not graduate a student who earns less than 30 and will also refuse to issue a magicka certification (The state will still issue a highscool diploma if the student passes the state's minimum requirements, but it will not have Manalith's name on it). This means a student doing the bare minimum can only fail two classes across all four years at the school.

Core Classes

  • Standard Highschool Stuffs
  • Magicka 101/ 102
  • Auramancy 101

  • Electives

  • Computer Science
  • Demonology/ Celestiology
  • Programming C++/ HTML/ Java
  • Therianthropy
  • Art 101/ Drawing 101/ 102
  • Digital Art
  • Elementalism
  • Runic Science/ Talismans 101
  • Hexes / Curses/ Charms
  • Magitech 101/ 102/ 103
  • Spanish/ German/ French/ Japanese/ Arabic/ Draconic/ Vedic

  • Dress Code

    "Ugh.. Why is like a third of the student handbook dress code stuff?!?... Screw this. I'm wearing my combat boots anyways!"
    "I seriously wouldn't recommend that, but you basically lived in detention at your other school, so... hey, go for it!"

    The Dresscode at Manalith Academy is quite simple. It requires:
  • a white dress shirt, short or long sleeved
  • either a thick red necktie or a thin red ribbon tie.
  • a black vest, either a button up or a sweater vest.
  • a skirt of appropriate length or slacks, black or light tan.
  • tights and socks must be dark in color.
  • dark brown or black oxford shoes.

  • This would take up a single page in the student handbook, but with highschool students being highschool students, and especially because of a certain headmaster who in the past tried to skirt around the dresscode rules in almost every possible way, the school kept adding addendums to the dress code until it took up a significant chunk of the handbook. On every second and fourth Friday of the month, students are allowed to wear whatever they want anyways, as long as it isn't too risque, but violations on any other day will result in detention.

    A Selection of Current Students



    An Air Elemental, born and raised in Mystic, Connecticut, and Arianne's daughter. She is a fourth year student and is currently taking several college level classes. Anemone is a social butterfly and friends with everyone. Her personality is about as opposite as one can get from her mother in almost every possible way. She volunteers at the school and helps new students get adjusted.

    "Hi! So you're the new student here?!? I'm Anemone, but that is kind of a mouthful, so you can call me Anne! Nice to meet you!"


    A changeling from White Bay, South Carolina, and Arianne's niece. An outbreak of the P. Andorus Virus happened in South Carolina while Remi was away. Instead of being allowed to return, she was sent to live with her Aunt and now attends Manlith as a third year student. Remi has very little academic ability and is more concerned with literally anything else but school.

    "Really I'm just glad my aunt is letting me stay in the dorms instead of at her house. She thinks she'll be able to control me somehow, but I doubt that! I can just change my shape and... wait! Why can't I shapeshift!?! ...It's this damn necklance she gave me. It has a hex on it, doesn't it!!! Grrrrrr! Why can't I take it off!?!?"


    Vampire Princess of Tenerife and a third year student. She is next in line to take over control of the Anagi Clan. Tina is kind and means well, but her aristocratic demeanor has made most non-vampires keep their distance. She is in an arranged marriage with Alucard when they finish their schooling, but the more Tina lives away from noble vampire society, the more she questions it.

    "I am Tina Aria Anagi, the Vampire Princess of Tenerife! Do I have to say it that way every time I introduce myself?... You know, I never thought about that but I suppose it isn't necessary, especially to a low class person such as yourself... Oh, sorry! I, I swear I didn't mean to say it like that!"


    A Werewolf from Germany. He is next in line to undertake the blood ritual of Lukanthropis, which will turn him into a fully fledge werewolf and make him leader of the Wolfhelm Clan in Central Europe. After his older sister Iris performed the ritual and went insane, Zack has refused to do it himself, which is how he was sent to America and got enrolled into Manalith as a third year student.

    "Maybe I should go ask the Hound how he got cured..."


    From Jackson, Mississippi and a fourth year student. Scarab was recruited to the school with a sports scholarship and he is currently dominating in Baseball. He is a completely normal human with absurd strength and endurance. His bloodline came from the Werebeetles of Northern Africa, but his family lost the ability to call on their innate powers centuries ago.

    "My real name is Thomas Smith, but I'd prefer if you just called me Scarab. And before you ask, I don't friggin care about vampires, werewolves, magic, or any of that nonsense. I'm just here to play ball!"


    The future "Lord of Vampires" is from Wallachia and is a third year student. Brash and confident in everything he does. Alucard looks down on anyone who isn't a vampire. His unapologetic attitude has made virtually every other vampire student at the Academy respect him, though virtually everyone else hates or avoids him.

    "Why do you care about the affairs of our clans? You aren't even a vampire. Besides, Tina understands the position we're in. Love has nothing to do with it... Now piss off before you annoy me!"


    An Impossible Steam Elemental, born in Seattle, Washington, able to cast both fire and water magic, and a theoretical in-between type of magic. She is a second year student. For some unknown reason, Leena is one of the only people able to have a full conversation with Paige. Paige still has very broken speech, but Leena can just understand her somehow.

    "Is my so-called "Steam Magic" that different from normal fire and water magic? Not actually sure! I mean... You understand how Elemental Attunement works right? Getting perfectly attuned to fire or water is hard enough, but both at the same time? It's pretty much impossible, but, Oh well, I guess I'm not THAT special!"


    Maria is a Nahual from Southern Mexico, and is a second year student. She brought her spirit animal with her, an Ahuizotl. Maria is quiet and reserved, and mostly keeps to herself. Other students don't know how to interact with her, mostly due to a mistunderstanding about what a Nahual is. They don't know if she's a werewolf, a vampire, just a witch, or some combination of all three.



    A normal human from White Bay, South Carolina. He has such a pitifully small amount of Elven ancestry that his aura has the smallest tinges of green and his ears are round. He can barely cast any magic on his own. He got into Manalith Academy with a scholarship and raw academic ability. Despite barely even being considered an elf, it still causes him plenty of trouble...

    " literally have to go back 500 years to find the last Elven ancestor in my family. I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of it. I doubt my family even knew about the secret world before the actual Elves ruined it for everyone."


    An Air Elemental, born and raised in Mystic, Connecticut, and Arianne's daughter. She is a fourth year student and is currently taking several college level classes. Anemone is a social butterfly and friends with everyone. Her personality is about as opposite as one can get from her mother in almost every possible way. She volunteers at the school and helps new students get adjusted.

    "Hi! So you're the new student here?!? I'm Anemone, but that is kind of a mouthful, so you can call me Anne! Nice to meet you!"


    A changeling from White Bay, South Carolina, and Arianne's niece. An outbreak of the P. Andorus Virus happened in South Carolina while Remi was away. Instead of being allowed to return, she was sent to live with her Aunt and now attends Manlith as a third year student. Remi has very little academic ability and is more concerned with literally anything else but school.

    "Really I'm just glad my aunt is letting me stay in the dorms instead of at her house. She thinks she'll be able to control me somehow, but I doubt that! I can just change my shape and... wait! Why can't I shapeshift!?! ...It's this damn necklance she gave me. It has a hex on it, doesn't it!!! Grrrrrr! Why can't I take it off!?!?"


    Vampire Princess of Tenerife and a third year student. She is next in line to take over control of the Anagi Clan. Tina is kind and means well, but her aristocratic demeanor has made most non-vampires keep their distance. She is in an arranged marriage with Alucard when they finish their schooling, but the more Tina lives away from noble vampire society, the more she questions it.

    "I am Tina Aria Anagi, the Vampire Princess of Tenerife! Do I have to say it that way every time I introduce myself?... You know, I never thought about that but I suppose it isn't necessary, especially to a low class person such as yourself... Oh, sorry! I, I swear I didn't mean to say it like that!"


    A Werewolf from Germany. He is next in line to undertake the blood ritual of Lukanthropis, which will turn him into a fully fledge werewolf and make him leader of the Wolfhelm Clan in Central Europe. After his older sister Iris performed the ritual and went insane, Zack has refused to do it himself, which is how he was sent to America and got enrolled into Manalith as a third year student.

    "Maybe I should go ask the Hound how he got cured..."


    From Jackson, Mississippi and a fourth year student. Scarab was recruited to the school with a sports scholarship and he is currently dominating in Baseball. He is a completely normal human with absurd strength and endurance. His bloodline came from the Werebeetles of Northern Africa, but his family lost the ability to call on their innate powers centuries ago.

    "My real name is Thomas Smith, but I'd prefer if you just called me Scarab. And before you ask, I don't friggin care about vampires, werewolves, magic, or any of that nonsense. I'm just here to play ball!"


    The future "Lord of Vampires" is from Wallachia and is a third year student. Brash and confident in everything he does. Alucard looks down on anyone who isn't a vampire. His unapologetic attitude has made virtually every other vampire student at the Academy respect him, though virtually everyone else hates or avoids him.

    "Why do you care about the affairs of our clans? You aren't even a vampire. Besides, Tina understands the position we're in. Love has nothing to do with it... Now piss off before you annoy me!"


    An Impossible Steam Elemental, born in Seattle, Washington, able to cast both fire and water magic, and a theoretical in-between type of magic. She is a second year student. For some unknown reason, Leena is one of the only people able to have a full conversation with Paige. Paige still has very broken speech, but Leena can just understand her somehow.

    "Is my so-called "Steam Magic" that different from normal fire and water magic? Not actually sure! I mean... You understand how Elemental Attunement works right? Getting perfectly attuned to fire or water is hard enough, but both at the same time? It's pretty much impossible, but, Oh well, I guess I'm not THAT special!"


    Maria is a Nahual from Southern Mexico, and is a second year student. She brought her spirit animal with her, an Ahuizotl. Maria is quiet and reserved, and mostly keeps to herself. Other students don't know how to interact with her, mostly due to a mistunderstanding about what a Nahual is. They don't know if she's a werewolf, a vampire, just a witch, or some combination of all three.



    A normal human from White Bay, South Carolina. He has such a pitifully small amount of Elven ancestry that his aura has the smallest tinges of green and his ears are round. He can barely cast any magic on his own. He got into Manalith Academy with a scholarship and raw academic ability. Despite barely even being considered an elf, it still causes him plenty of trouble...

    " literally have to go back 500 years to find the last Elven ancestor in my family. I don't know why people are making such a big deal out of it. I doubt my family even knew about the secret world before the actual Elves ruined it for everyone."


    Author's Notes

  • Those clickable tabs in the article only work on a full screen desktop. If you use a tablet or phone, it will switch to an alternate view that just has all the information listed in order. If the tabs aren't compatible with your browser, resize the window smaller so you can still read everything cleanly.
  • I'm sure I could drop this down to the 2,000 word limit. If I did take anything away before the deadline, I would temporarily remove the dresscode section, as well as 4-6 of the 9 students and 1 of the 4 teachers.

  • Please Login in order to comment!
    Sep 13, 2024 17:23 by Tillerz

    Awesome, love it! :D

    Sep 14, 2024 22:18


    Sep 15, 2024 18:56 by mina

    Just read the line 'Vampire Princess of Tenerife' and clicked the like button so hard I think I broke my mouse. Wonderful article! I would love to go to the Manalith Academy and have my troubles consist of whether to do Demonology or Java homework first/which one is more harrowing lmaoo. Also the handbook being 217 pages and no-one ever reading it ... it's so true... I love this article I laughed so much but it's also got fab detail to it - and it goes without saying, the layout is FLAWLESS.

    Sep 16, 2024 02:44 by Jacqueline Taylor

    I love the personality woven into the article. I really get a sense of the place and the world. Very nice, clean lay out.

    Sep 17, 2024 06:06 by Oyamore Ekatac

    Wow. Amazing. Mine is bad compared to yours.

    Sep 18, 2024 09:21

    Don't be like that! Even if your article isn't perfect, you should submit it anyways so people can read it and leave their feedback.   Also, arguably my article is 'bad' compared to This one, This one, and This one, just to name a few. I read through each of these articles and found things that they were all much better than me on and I took notes for the future. There is always someone you can learn from, and you don't improve unless you push yourself towards the level of excellence you want yourself to be at.

    Sep 17, 2024 19:19

    This looks amazing! I have to ask, how did you create the character cards?

    Sep 18, 2024 07:23 by Oyamore Ekatac

    Quite true. How did you?

    Sep 18, 2024 09:04

    Thankyou!   The Character panels were created with a couple Grandmaster+ features, using combination of CSS code (The clickable parts are adapted from Stormbril's Spoiler Button Tabs), and a whole lot of BBCode knowledge for the rest.

    Sep 18, 2024 16:20 by Oyamore Ekatac

    Oh, ok!

    Sep 18, 2024 17:43

    Interesting, unfortunate that I don't have Grandmaster. Thank you!