Anomaly Tower

Purpose / Function

The tower is the resident location of High Warlock in the Temple-city. Containing the most powerful arcane and occult secrets, the tower is a refuge and highly secured place for the Warlock to take residence unbothered. Only those that collects a Gate Key-cube, or through a secret magic sentenced known usually only by the resident, can pass through it. Usually, the King of the city gets his own Key-cube, but the warlock can change the combination in any time if he deems like so.


The entrance to the tower opens to a demi-plane which the resident has full control and can change on a whim through mental visualisation. The various resident over generations all did their own counter-measures and security systems, and even hidden wormholes and spaces that were not discovered nor divulged to the new high warlock, which makes this place full of secrets and unexpected dangers.


The tower is carved in a colossal stalactite which was stone-worked over time. the energy fueling the tower used to radiate a strong green light, but since the cataclysm, the energy is way more fickle and limited, like an oversized candle. Inside most of the architecture remains stone work and can contains mundane furnitures of the times, but some of those which are affected by planar rifts can have totally different architecture , such as shifting sands, steels, water, and even gore walls and acid as if being inside a gigantic creature.


The defenses of the tower are state of the art in many fields, from natural, to engineered, to magical and even most unknown powers. Outside of complex mechanical traps, the place also has planar rifts which can provoke arrival of creatures from all the cosmos and planes of existence, but most 'sections' are protected with very complex transluscent walls. The configuration of the tower and gravity can also change on a mind inside those 'zones' which can make tracking back and mapmaking impossible or unreliable as the structures will change over time. those blocks shifts can also provoke space-time rifts and direct contact with those can totally disintegrate any matter passing through. as such, overly cautious people can get trapped by the sheer unpredictability of the tower.   After the The Rebellion of Wakhangaro Island , many of the magic used to stabilize the tower was either corrupted or depleted, which made the place less effective in some aspect, such as broken traps, but also adding a very unpredictable shifting pattern and planar reflections/holes. As such, various summoned creatures stuck in the tower but able to survive managed to create their own safe zone, but combat and chaos can only make the most dangerous creatures to survive the place. As such, the challenge of exploring the whole tower could be eased in some aspect by sheer luck, but the ever-chaotic nature of it compensates clearly for that problem.


Some braves serpentfolk can offer to pass the gauntlet where they must reach the inner sanctum which the high warlock resides, under promise of a rank raise, fame and fortune. Some did tried, but none was recorded to survive, and all corpses where verified during the gauntlet, albeit two which were never found back. over the first decades, the lethality of the place left volunteers less inclined to try and risk their lives in that ever-increasing death trap. as such, less 'volunteering' specimens such as criminals and slaves where forced to try the gauntlet under the same promises, and also freedom. the results were stable, as none managed to emerge victorious.   Some wonder why the high warlocks kept this tradition to selectively open their sanctum to pretenders, but it had a use for it: it was made so the warlock could understand their blind angles and adjust their security properly. the more traps were passed through, the more complex and deadlier they became over time.   Over time, the demand of arcanic energy to keep the tower stable and operational increased over time, which was felt unnecessary but many parties to spend such ressources on one person's self-defense, but those never came to bring much change despite half-hearted complainances, mostly to avoid the ire of the warlock itself, or of their King, if that one was particularly trustful of their mage lord (usually due to the Vow of Following)
Tower, Mage
Parent Location


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