BloodScald fever

Transmission & Vectors

The transmission of the disease is by exchange of blood, usually by injuries caused by infected pest, humanoid, or in most common cases, stirges' proboscis.


The frequency of the bacteria will increase in regions that have stagnant water and above-average temperature and humidity. As such, tropical jungles are huge incubators for the disease to spread around if unchecked.


Dizzyness, severe sudation, rapid exhaustion and mouth/nostril dryness are the most commons causes. the onset period is about one or two days, but apply close vicinity to a poultice made of blightbane pepper can show allergic reactions on most of creatures skin where the original infection spot happened, which are reckognisable by a light blue/white skin coloration on the skin and irritation until removed.


In the absence of medication or magical help, it is recommended to keep the patient well hydrated as the condition can cause bleeds cause by dryness of nostrils and mouth, and generally alleviate the pain and effet of high sudation caused by it.   Ingestion of a tea with medicinal herbs (with some variant based on locations) but helps reduce the fever and fight the infection, and can be increased with magical infusing.


Most creatures recovering from the condition will have little to no sequela once the disease left completely, outside maybe general increased fatigue after work or high temperature, but those remain usually short lived and doesn't last more than a week before most make a full recovery.

Hosts & Carriers

Mainly striges and diseased vermin


Outside of natural incubation, settlement that have general filth or stagnant water might cause for an increase of stirge adventuring into the settlement. as such, certain civilised settlements and such that can afford social infrastructure near hot and humid locations will encourage initiative to reduce the general hygiene of the place, and over centuries, technological and magical advances made the disease less of a serious threat.


The first reported cases of bloodscald fever happened during (time),  as the small village Uru'Repo came into an epidemic of bloodscald fever which was left unchecked for some time. The settlement was more of a work camp for enslaved species by the Serpentfolk, and as such general well-being of their assets were not kept in high regard, but the lack of assistance and capable physicians or magicians forced the assigned leader of the settlement , (X), had to teach his most prized and smart slave, (Y), knowledge in medicine and magic in order to have someone to help alleviate the crisis, despite those teaching being severly illegal by his society.  This acquired knowledge and survival of the settlement became a key note of the The Rebellion of Wakhangaro Island , as it helped the culture to depart of the island and survive the chaos that ensued. Thanks to those learnings, the treatments improved and became commonplace in modern times, which made the disease almost unable to fully claim a civilisation.

Cultural Reception

The disease is non-contagious by modern means, but because of the gap in sanitary conditions some larger settlement can have, this disease can be seen as a lower-class problem which higher-class ones might complain and leave the blame on those district denizens.


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