Oneiric Halls

Purpose / Function

Originally, the halls were a series of stoneworked alleyways and rooms used as a granary stock level but got abandonned by the city when a gas leak made the place risky for use. The oneiric halls were opened as an unofficialy reckognised estate through word of mouth into potential customers.   (continued) most drugs offered have different enablers of emotion, which can relax and make someone more mellow, or on the contrary more sensory-enhanced and joyful. If there is a certain state of mind the drugs can provoke, the hall's host is almost sure to have the specific need for their client.


Most of the oneiric halls were crafted by slave contractors bought by the Anahita royal bloodline, which built a new palace over the ruins and used undead-animated slaves to finish the stoneworks, and as security thereafter.


Outside of the stoneworked aspect, the place is covered in illusion magic to keep a certain decorum to the place, and also having physical fabrics and cloth to adorn the walls, the ground remaining polished stone with gravures. The place is furnitured with classic serpentfolk high class housing furnitures similar to the palace above, but with a certain effort to look unique by itself.


The undead workers remains as security if needed be, which are usually controlled by the current head of family (currently Mahchehr) or a trusted advisor of them. Outside of the magically locked secret arcane passage from the palace, the surrounding of the palace, with warning of no trespassing, still have a donut shaped natural protection around it in the world of the toxic gas that remains, as only the core center was purged of the noxious fumes. making breaking and leaving complicated without the assistance of the host.


While not a public knowledge, those invited to the main palace and deemed trustworthy customers can get invited to the oneiric halls below. Usually, those are people looking for a certain type of pleasure: drug consumption. While no real control is done by the city against criminalisation of possession of those, the family took secretive measures in case of demands from the high or high warlock to requisition thos, as such have elusive, and potential very dangerous powers, especially in the hands of spellcasters and psychic under the effects of those. One of their most prized drugs, named the Madman's tear, is apparently known to offer transcendental experience and awaken the mind to new concepts, but many of their users either suffered death from a heart attack and self harm, or other stories of fate worse than death. The stories of power and knowledge, of any kind, is often enough to lure the most prized patrons, usually serpentfolks, as is sold at a king's fortune by the family. Nobody knows where they managed to collect or manufacture this drug. It is however not the only use for the halls, as other drugs, alcohol and varied consumables are sought after by artists or those into discovering a new level of physical pleasure with invitees, or guests.   If not invited to visit the halls as a guest of the palace, those that would be interested can contact specific agents which will order an member of the Slit Tongue's Order to temporarily make their client unconscious and brought through a vehicle  which will bring them to the palace and then the halls, making the location of the halls unknown.   The owners enjoying their secrecy, their invitees, from the main palace or into the oneiric halls, are heavily encouraged to don a mask and additional fabrics that could betray their identity from other attendees.
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