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The island surround the tree itself is rather thin in area coverage, and could be circled by a humanoid in a matter of less than a couple of hours. this area covers a small river and mostly hill or rock, earth and grass. the true wonder and uniqueness comes from inside the tree itself, as it contains also it's own form of biome, as it's base and walls contains a unique biodiversity, having meadows, berry bushes and varied flowers. Most of them are of the region and provide plenty of food for the more permanent residents. a part of the meadows is also under the watch of a druidic circle that experiment on different types of flora and nature's bounty to test their compatibility and behavior, and as such, discovers type of seeds, flora and fruits that could be consider invasive or problematic to grow in other biomes they are traveled into.


The tree is considered a key location for many migratory birds that travels through the current (landmark) as a place to rest and eat during their migration, or to be safe from natural dangers such as monsoons .But outside of regular types of bird, many flying sapient creatures comes to take a breather there as well, and cohabit with their less intellectually advanced cousins.Over time, some of them came to understand the great nature of this tree as a shelter from natural dangers, and started to sometimes keep residence as either gatherers or more civilisation-based activities: due to the high volume of fly paths, a courrier service came to be done for flyings courriers to rest, but also receive jobs.   Anthropologists and persons with interest to nature and magic also come to visit from time to time and offer some of those services at the base of the tree's interior, but most are affixed to the bark 'walls' in varied levels of altitudes. few walking options are available, and as such some winged creatures can offer their services to fly the tourists to different permanent structures inside the tree they may be interested in, such as the courrier service.


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