Purpose / Function
SillerOffen is one of the most massive forge created down below the surface of Arcamunda.
Once a properous city of the UnderDark due to the massive size and various engineering and blacksmithy tools developed there, the place is now a highly toxic location amongst a ghost town.
When operative, the forge is able to transform and produce numerous products, and is one of the rares blacksmith forges able to transform Netherium . His actual use is heavily focused on military purpose to keep the underworld races at bay and protects a direct undeground access to the Kingdom of Tränenfeld .
[Date]: During the catastrophe, the base of the Cauldron fissured, making a molten steel leakage.
[Date]: The first platoons desecrated the altar of [God] standing on top of the forge.
[Date]: The fissure repaired, a regimen of Lithoteks and constructs rebuilt the forge.
[Date]: After a long and planned sabotage, a human slave working at the forge provoqued a serie of catastrophe involving molten steel leakage and experimental toxic fumes. Unprepared for such an internal attack, the slaver denizens evacuated the town as soon as they could. Taking advantage of the chaos, a group of slaves of various races took different escape tunnels and managed to reach the surface. Decades later,with protective equipment, the slaves tried to come back to salvage and use the forge for their own good, as a token of vengeance and pride.