The Conflict
5 days prior to the comet impact on Silverfell, diviners of the Kingdöm of Tränenfeld received cryptic visons which resolved as a communal interpretation that the north would get impacted. Upon hearing so, Kaiser [unnamed yet] sent his delegate in the sunken city of Darsiso to negotiate passage of soldiers through one of their numerous portal. The chief accepted under promise of sacrifice from the land they would reach. The objective was to take advantage of the commotion created by the starfall to offer Snowshire an offer they could not refuse by proposing protection under term of leaving the region to Tränenfel'd juridiction.
Upon agreement, the Kaiser sent a specialised garrisson to get ready for the impact.
Lake Havyr (original point of access from Tränenfeld's army)
Silverfell (original point of impact)
Snowshire (nearby town guard)
Silverfell town's crater and surroundings, especially the fields separating Silverfell from Snowshire.
Extraplanetar hazard, presence on smoke about 10 miles around the crater's base
The garrison secured the ruins of silverfell and proceed into messaging the higherups into proceeding to the construction of the railway. The garrison stayed in place and rebuilt around the region to secure and contain the remains of the crater for their research and salvaging of netherium, which the comet contained.
Now, the Kingdöm of Tränenfeld joys of an access to the north with the negotiation, as they took also control of a corridor which they built rails for trains over the decades. This, however, made relations with the nearby country very tense as this "neutral" passage would have needed many months until approval, and left a permanent misstrust of Tränenfeldians.
Historical Significance
The result of Snowshire militia catastrophic losses result in a shameful resume for all leaders involved. Most retired or went AWOL instead of facing ridicule or the wrath of the Emperor.
As for Tranenfeld, it opened a myriad of tactical, land exploitation and expansion opportunities, especially to gather Netherium. The plan was praised by the Kaiser and the astrologists responsible of the calculations receive nobility and wealth for their worthy contribution.
A children's book related about learning trust was made regarding the scout's plead which got ignored by the militia, which resolved into a simpler deal for the kingdom of Tränenfeld.