
The thermapiercer is a unique variant of icebreakers. THe icdea came after the discovery of the dragonship by (X) Naval Force. Intruiged of the use of fire on ships, while a risky business, they found a different use for it: traveling into Northern Territory, taking the principle of coal and pressuring steam produced by it, to instead the main exhaust exhaust was passing inside a holed section of the ship's (B), which a higher melting point and great conduction, it was then heated to high temperatures, which would melt and break ice caps This would improve the ship's capacity to pass through frozen waters and not get stuck, and allow further travels through the northern ice cap.   When the first sails proved out succesful, it began a commercial boom in the country as fundings increased to create more thermapiercers, which created more jobs and opened commercial rutes with northern cities during cold season, while also opening some colonizing opportunities for the kingdom, usually when combustibles or others materials of value were discovered to replenish the ship's ressources.The consequences opened a lot of lucrative opportunities for the country.   While able to reach these freeze-locked lands, the thermapiercer sacrified those utilities for reduced comfort and increased risks of 'slamming' in waves. The boiler room was also, has a first , risky and prone to hazards, as one of the three models exploded during operation. The accident caused the Navy to decomission the ships for some years until an improved and safer version was built.

Power Generation

Steam generated by default by coals, but could have help from a civic spellcaster.


Sails mainly, but the unique attribute of the thermapiercer is to have a short burst of air pressure locomotion by steam, and non-concentrated steam to have a small but continuous flux of locomotion.

Weapons & Armament

the (beak) of the ship could be used for increased damage by charge, but the ship's stability would be put at test greatly.

Hangars & docked vessels

the second model was kept as a museum piece , with the authentic pieces. The museum is located in (A,B)
Thermapiercer (Most known by populace)
Very rare (3 models made, but one of them was lost to boiler room hazard)
Complement / Crew
Requires a minimum of 5 trained sailors, including one Lead for the recommended uses legally, but can be run with a minimum of 2, but however very risky and complex.


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