Deed to the Isle of Stórmenska
Garðr (language of the North Country)
This Title & Deed hereby declares it's rightful possessor all title, rights, and dominion over the sovereign estate of the Free & Independent Isle of Stórmenska. This title includes the domain and enjoyment of any and all buildings, structures, resources, creatures, and peoples contained thereon. We of the North Country absolve and release ourselves of any and all current and future claim or possession to all lands known on official charts as the Isle of Stórmenska.
We, the people of the tribe of Reee-Swhool, declare an abiding peace between us and the rightful ruler of Kastali. We the people agree to pay a tribute of one half of an eighth portion of kelps, and of fishes, and of ground-fishes - in exchange for continued peace and protection from the airen. In addition, we swear to honor the proper taxation of goods traded within the docks, and ports, and villages, and lands rightfully held by the sovereign - between the Reee-Swhool and all foreign entities, principles, and individuals.
Dwarven (outer)
The Grand & Mighty Kingdom of Skalvallhol proclaim our continued peace with the Rulers of the Isle of Stórmenska, and shall continue in our agreements in trade and commerce in accordance with Dwarvish Law and Custom. We reserve the parcel of land set aside for our use as a settlement on the Northeastern coastline, and swear to honor the tributes to same, and to be paid on the Equinoxes & the Solstices, or on a day of each calender quarter as set forth by later agreement & treaty.
Record, Deed
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