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Tenoch Ecaz

Rogue Trader Captain Tenoch Ecaz

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Muscular. Arms used to chopping wood and skinning animals, legs used to chasing prey and trekking long distances.

Identifying Characteristics

Large, hairy hands. Confident, gruff attitude. He rarely removes his helmet.

Physical quirks

Larger than average hands that are very hairy.

Special abilities

Able to enhance the innate qualities of archaic weapons through unique combat maneuvers learned over years of training.

Mental characteristics


He likes women and prefers potential partners to be as physically strong as him, but also as dedicated to the path of warrior as he is.


Tenoch was sent to a schola progenium facility on Hecuba for rehabilitation, a basic course on Imperial history, linguistics, and mathematics, as well as an advanced course on noble decorum and diplomacy. Of course, this was almost entirely wasted on someone like him, who had lived his entire childhood in a barbaric, tribal society. Besides frequently fighting with the other students, he would often ignore his lessons in the classroom by gorging on stolen food from the mess hall.


As the technically legitimate successor to his father's position, Tenoch has become a rogue trader captain. It is his duty to the Imperium that he plies the warp routes less taken and discover new opportunities for the people of the Emperor. Though he'll more likely take them for himself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite the efforts of his teachers at the schola progenium on Hecuba, Tenoch never developed a mind for sophisticated thinking. He follows his own internal code, though influenced by a tribal culture that had already long been infiltrated by the Ecclesiarchy and then further influenced by his time at the schola. Unfortunately for his tutors, the latter had little effect on him. Instead, his mind often ponders on the next physical challenge, the next opportunity for fortune and glory, and the next time he might to get meet an interesting person. Though he has a lust for gold, the thing he values most is people, and so he goes to great lengths to acquire persons of interest, be they warriors like himself, bards, witches, holy men, or educated folk.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Tenoch was raised to believe that life is harsh and short, with little opportunity for joy, and that one should always be fighting for opportunities to find happiness. However, this shouldn't lead into depraved indulgence, as that would dull one's warrior senses. Instead, one should strike a fine medium between pleasure and duty.
  • He believes in might makes right, and that everything is somebody else's until he takes it from them, at which point it was entirely their fault they couldn't hold onto it. However, the person who had their things stolen from them is perfectly within their rights as a living, breathing human being to try to take it back, but the cost may be their life.
  • His original religion, that of the Sky-Father, was similar to that of Emperor of Mankind, though the priests at his school often scolded him for referring to the Emperor as such. His currents religious views are a mix of the two.

Personality Characteristics


Tenoch wants to live a good life. To him, a good life is defined as being full of perilous, challenging adventures and interesting people. There is no greater treasure than that of companionship.


  • Likes to take long baths
  • Brushes his teeth



Tenoch comes off as confident, often to the point of boasting, as well as stubborn.

Born on the feral world of Belmayr, Tenoch's barbarian mother always told him about how a handsome man came down from heaven and gave her a child before departing. As it would turn out, that man was an Imperial rogue trader.

View Character Profile
Freelance Imperialist
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Rogue Trader
  • Son of the House of Ecaz
  • Captain of the Thunderfall
Date of Birth
Current Residence
Lunar-class Cruiser "Thunderfall"
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Owned Vehicles
Known Languages
Tenoch speaks his tribe's language, as well as low gothic and high gothic, though his accent is grating to those born into the comfort of Imperial nobility.

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