Ardyth Tuft

Captain Ardyth Marlena Tuft (a.k.a. Archangel)

Captain Ardyth Tuft is a former Coalition Defense Forces autogyro pilot who has now dedicated herself to service with the Sorority of Solace. Known for her steadfast, optimistic demeanor, Cpt. Tuft is famous for plunging her modified Aquila air ambulance into otherwise deadly situations to rescue people, earning her the nickname of the Archangel among her sisters.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like many citizens of Craterhold and as her name implies, Ardyth Marlena Tuft was born a distant scion of House Tuft, one of the many noble houses holding territory within the nation of Craterhold; she was actually born within the staunch walls of the municipality of Craterhold itself. She chose not to move, as is the right of all Holdswomen under the laws of Craterhold, instead accepting special pilot education and training under her House's militia program. When she came of age, she joined the other militia members from Craterhold among the Coalition Defense Forces, opting to use her training in the CDF's air corps.


Though not fearless, one thing Cpt. Tuft doesn't fear is death. After experiencing the rigors of warfare during her time in service to the Coalition of Breakaway Colonies, she soon discovered that the feeling of gratification she felt from a successful battlefield extraction overwhelmed any concern she felt for her own safety. The looks of gratitude cast her way from the men as she whisked them back to the safety of the allied lines gave her a deep and abiding sense of purpose. At the same time, she felt antipathy for the combat missions she was sometimes required to undertake as an Aquila pilot, greatly preferring to safeguard the wounded over taking objectives - a fatal flaw for someone ostensibly serving in her nation's military during wartime. Thus, when her tour of duty finished, Cpt. Tuft left the service and joined the Sorority of Solace as an air ambulance pilot, hopefully leaving the need to kill behind for good.

Accomplishments & Achievements

As of the year 10,000 AR, Cpt. Tuft still serves the Sorority of Solace as an air ambulance pilot, expanding her piloting repertoire to include skymoth and even small airship such as the N3 "Honeyguide" Air Cog. During this service, Cpt. Tuft has developed a reputation of beating the odds, often swooping in at the last minute from a Sorority carrier airship to pluck stricken patients from all sorts of sticky situations, from active combat to isolated terrain to poisonous or geologically unstable environments. In one particularly notable case, she narrowly escaped death or capture by the slavers of Still Atoll while rescuing sailors from a stricken vessel which had strayed into the Atoll's anti-air cover.

Intellectual Characteristics

Cpt. Tuft is naturally clever, but only moderately moreso than the average Holdswoman. Her boldness and wealth of experience, however, has made her an all-around valuable addition to the Sorority's merciful efforts.   Like most members of the Sorority of Solace, in addition to her talents as a pilot, Cpt. Tuft has some passing knowledge of emergency medical treatment and triage. Though she rarely has a chance to flaunt her skills, she would be competent to pass the preliminary navigator licensing exam with the Navigator's Guild because she can successfully traverse an inflection layer or commissure if required by her duties.


Religious Views

Like many members of the Sorority of Solace, Cpt. Tuft's spiritual beliefs have increasingly fallen in line with the Way of the Biocosm the longer she has stayed with the organization. She decribes herself as "agnostic, but cautiously optimistic" regarding the question of what awaits her after the day when her heroic deeds finally lead to her demise.


Cpt. Tuft speaks softly, evenly, and rarely, preferring to let her actions speak for themselves. She has a tendency to wryly discuss obviously dangerous situations as though they are no big deal to her; whether this is an actual reflection of her fearless personality or an affectation to calm the nerves of her 'guests' aboard her Aquila remains a matter of speculation.

Hobbies & Pets

Cpt. Tuft brings her dog, Scout, on all of her missions. Scout is an air husky ostensibly trained to sniff out injuried people trapped in rubble or wreckages, but he much more often gets used to provide moral support to Cpt. Tuft's passengers, as her Aquila seldom stays landed for long.
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
9970 30 Years old
Light brown
Brunette, often cropped or done up in tight tresses to fit in her flight cap
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light brown
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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Feb 16, 2021 22:21 by Luca Poddighe

Cool character! I like the idea of a non fighting hero! Is she partially inspired by Amelia Earhart?

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