
In the world of the Manifold Sky, naturally-occuring petroleum deposits are scarce. As the industrial and military sectors of the various nations grew larger and ever-more dependent on dieseltech devices, an alternative source of fuel for internal combusion engines became necessary. To this end, biodiesel was invented as a means of converting organic oil stocks into a useable fuel source, as has since become one of the most important strategic resources in the known world.


Material Characteristics

Like most petroleum fuels, biodiesel exhibits a relatively low boiling point and high vapor pressure. Biodiesel is perishable, with exposure to moisture and sunlight causing the substance to degrade at a faster rate. Biodiesel is often cut with additives to inhibit degradation and to prolong the life of engine components.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Like petroleum diesel, biodiesel is a flammable liquid. In an vaporous state, biodiesel is prone to exploding when in the presence of the right stoichiometric mixture with oxygen.

Origin & Source

Most biodiesel in the modern Manifold is algal in origin, though it was originally derived from vegetable oils. Oil-bearing algae are found in every tesseract, though these sources are more remote in some tesseracts than others.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Biodiesel is defining fuel of the Manifold Sky setting, powering all varieties of dieseltech machinery, such as airships, auto-armor, and computers. In addition to use in these applications, biodiesel is often burned for heating, lighting, and electricity generation.


Trade & Market

Differing grades and specifications of biodiesel fetch different prices on the open market, with price increasing with purity or the addition of engine-preserving additives. In general, because of the use of vegetable and algal feed stocks, wet and verdant regions are net exporters of biodiesel, while arid regions are net importers.
In addition the the usual petroleum product smell, biodiesel also carries notes of whatever vegetable matter it derived from (i.e. peanuts).
Biodiesel is generally transparent and can be clear, brown, straw-colored, or greenish in hue. The color of biodiesel depends heavily on its source and purity. Some manufacturers introduce dyes as a form of identifying 'trademark' for their products.
Common State

Articles under Biodiesel

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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