Il Eusosanvas Document in Manifold Sky | World Anvil

Il Eusosanvas

Il Eusosanvas ("To the Place of Blood") is an Iuxat-language action thriller film set in a dark, stylized version of the real Eudoxia. The story is about a lady detective who goes on a bloody rampage of revenge against a criminal syndicate who killed her accountant husband when he accidentally uncovered the organization's wartime smuggling activities.

Document Structure


Late in the movie, as the protagonist is starting to close in on the crime boss after slaughtering dozens of his men, the boss can be seen slamming his fists on the desk and angrily exclaiming "Aumerov!?" - broadly translated "only one woman?" or "just one single woman?" - at his lieutennants in response to mounting defeats at the detective's hands. "Aumerov!" has since come be taken up by fans of the film as an idiom for when someone suffers defeat from an unexpected source or when someone is humbled after being so sure of victory. Cries of "aumerov!" from the stands at a losing Terraceball team is considered unsportsmanlike and mildly sexist, but it often happens when Rostran super-fans and copious amounts of booze are brought together at the big game.

Publication Status

Ultra-violent in both visuals and implications, Il Eusosanvas is beloved by critics and fans alike but has limited distribution because of the disgust it evokes in some theater operators. Reels have been exported to all major countries, and radio adaptations have been broadcasted over the RadNet for those who don't have the wherewithal to acquire a ticket. Rumors abound that an 'uncut' version with even more gory action was purchased from the film company for a princely sum by an anonymous collector in Intercostia, but this has never been officially convirmed.

Analog Recording, Video

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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