Old Crow

An Old Crow is a clerical figure among members of the Ixa Ad-Korvidiu faith. Typically a middle-aged or older man steeped in the culture of a group and adorned with permanent markings where the pigments of ritual sigils have stained his skin, the Old Crow of a group of Korvidiu is held in high regard for his mystical knowledge, amicability with the sacred corvids, and skill at the creation of efficacious sigils.


Old Crows must demonstrate deep religious knowledge, strong oratory skills, and the political savvy required to enter the inner circle of the clergy. Often, these skills are interwoven with the skills requird to survive in the harsh environmental conditions in which the faith predominates, shaping the outlook of the faith as they ascend the ranks even as the faith shapes their own outlooks in turn. Those Old Crows attached to the Leather Jacket Nomads are also required to be experienced motorcycle riders, have at least some level of mechanical knowledge, and have no qualms about officiating Iron Feasts.


An Old Crow can be anointed from among the members of a Korvidiu group if no other source of religious authority is available. Howeer, most are instead 'taken under the wing' by the previous Old Crow as a protege and initiated into the deeper secrets of the faith. Once the elder Old Crow has determined that his time is ending and his protege is ready to take his place, the elder will pass the title to the younger before wandering into the desert, presumably to commune with the open sky in his final days. The younger man then becomes the new Old Crow for the group. Succession can also occur when an Old Crow dies unexpectedly - often of chronic illness related to repeated smoke or petrochemical exposure - so each Old Crow selects a protege as soon as possible upon taking up the title.


An Old Crow is a master of ceremonies, spiritual guide, instructor of new clergy, and craftsman of the various ritual implements inherited from the faith's Esotericist forebearers. The duties of an Old Crow parallel those of a Hierophant, but typically have a more localized scope due to the insular nature of communities spread across the Red Velvet Desert.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Old Crows are almost never removed from their position except as a result of old age. One who exhibits gross incompetence or social incompatibility with the group over which they preside may be forced to take their walk into the desert early so another, more flexible Old Crow may take their place.

Cultural Significance

Beyond their position within the faith, Old Crows are also respected elder members of the community in which they reside and are generally accorded a significant level of respect even by the non-practicing. Often patriarchs with a long, successful life of survival among the desert wastes, Old Crows share hard-won wisdom with the young and promulgate the culture of the community through stories of times long past.

Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Equates to
The Old Crow of a given group of Korvidiu is most similar in responsibilities to the Hierophant in Rostran Esotericism, though Old Crows typically have a much smaller span of control like Servants of Ironies in the Church of the Unexpected or Forgemasters in Forgism.

Length of Term
Related Locations
Related Organizations

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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Aug 11, 2024 01:39 by Joshua Stewart

Really interesting role, great job. I really appreciated the linking to other important information that was relevant to the Old Crow. Made it very easy to better understand the position in context with the rest of the setting without having to stray from the article.

Aug 18, 2024 08:31 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguing article and cool design.   Thank you so much for entering this article category! Quite an interesting read. If you would like me to feature it on one of my reading streams, please feel free to drop by my Twitch channel anytime I'm live and let me know you're watching. (check the schedule here). God bless and much success with your future plans! <3