The Garbage Man's Plan Comes to Fruition

Disaster / Destruction


Cyrus Vinge, also known as The Garbage Man, uses the Menger Catalyst to break down a bolus of absinthite at the dimensional anomaly in the depths of the Glass-Block Fortress. This action destroys the barrier between the Manifold Sky and Oxo. Cyrus, - along with those in the immediate vicinity - such as Angela Foxglove, Feumont Atsuhi, the members of Parasol Private Holdings, and numerous members of the 125 Hands - are sucked through into the unfamiliar realm. Elsewhere, the separation between the Manifold and the surrounding Celestial Realms is weakened, causing unusual seismic and meteorological activity.

Related Location
Glass-Block Fortress
Related timelines & articles
10,100's AR - A Century of Crisis