Ash Tree Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Ash Tree


The ash tree is a lightly colored, smooth-grained hardwood and is hard, dense, tough and very strong but elastic. It is noted for being lightweight and shock-resident, allowing it to be extensively used for making bows, tool handles, etc. and other uses demanding high strength and resilience. It is quite easy to use with nails, screws and glue. Their flowers grow in small, purple clusters and bloom in early Spring.




Main Article:
  • Ash wood, in general, is typically used as a raw building material for things such as: furniture, bows, tool handles (i.e. shovels, spades, hoes, rakes, etc.), lobster/crab traps, paddles and oars, and instruments (for their good resonating quality).
  • Ash is highly sought after for basket weaving.


Part: Bark, leaves Usage (oral): Anti-inflammatory, laxative Usage (topical): Anti-inflammatory (poultice)   Additional Notes: Odorless, but the leaves have an extremely bitter taste.
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