Astari Ethnicity in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Descended from Óðinn, the Allfather of Humanity, the proud Astari are the most prolific race of Mannaheim and they dominate its islands, coastlines, fjords and sea ways. The Astari are a fierce, robust and tenacious people, known to all the other races for their prowess in battle, their skills in sailing and ship building, and their fanatical devotion to the Æsir. Though not all Astari are warriors, all respect a warrior's courage.  


ability score increase: Your ability scores each increase by 1.
age: Astari reach adulthood in their late teens and live less than a century.
alignment: They tend to be Neutral
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Languages: Astari (Common)
race features:

Too Stubborn to Die.

You die when you fail your death saving throw 4 times instead of 3.

Quick Studies.

You are proficient in an extra skill available to your class.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Åse, Astrid, Bodil, Freyja, Frida, Gertrud, Gudrun, Gunhild, Helga, Hilda, Inga, Ingrid, Ragnfríðr, Ragnhild, Saga, Sif, Sigrid, Tófa, Ulfhild

Masculine names

Agda, Aina, Asger, Asmund, Erik, Felman, Harald, Ignar, Ingvar, Lief, Ragi, Ragnar, Thurmond, Ulfjolt,


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