Bitterroot Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Bitterroot is an edible herb with meaty thick leaves and light pink or white flowers that could be found growing in the Mountains and Forests.   Their flowers range in color from whitish to deep pink or lavender. Flowering occurs from Spring through Summer.   The thick roots come into season in spring and can survive extremely dry conditions.


Difficult. The flowers are easy to spot but hard to collect as they grow low to the ground in crevices.
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Main Article: Bitterroot
  • If collected early enough in the season, the roots can be peeled, boiled, and made into a jelly-like food.
  • Bitterroot is used in brewing alcoholic beverages, often were an acquired taste and had a smoky flavor.
  • The Vestari believe the small red core found in the upper taproot had special powers, notably being able to stop a bear attack.


Geographic Distribution


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