Blacksmithing Profession in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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You work with fire and metal to create deadly weapons, impenetrable armor and maybe even the occasional horseshoe. You are a master at the forge, even if you are sitting before a campfire.

Using Smiths Tools

Smith's tools allow you to work metal, beating it to alter its shape, repair damage, or work raw ingots into useful items. p.Mastering these tools lets you add your proficiency bonus to any Strength checks you make for your smithing.


Your tools include a hammer, tongs, rags, bellows, a whetstone and a large, steel wedge used as a portable anvil. The tools weigh 10 lbs and cost 5 g

Skill Checks

If you have proficiency in smith's tools, you can use your tool proficiency to give yourself on certain skill checks. ● Arcana and History Your expertise lends you additional insight when examining metal objects, such as weapons.  Investigation You can spot clues and make deductions that others might overlook when an investigation involves armor, weapons, or other metalwork.  


With access to your tools and an open flame hot enough to make metal pliable, you can restore 10 hit points to a damaged metal object for each hour of work.

The Forge

While you are more at home working in a forge, sometimes you can make do with just a campfire. The mountain dvergr are famed for their forges and working at one divides the number of days needed to craft an item by 2 and rounds up to a minimum of 1. Crafting items at a campfire caused its DC to increase by 2. If an item is able to be crafted at a campfire, then it will have a small Fleuron next to the name.   Example: Dagger ❧

Mountain Forge

The Mountain Dvergr of Mannaheim are know for their works of iron and gold and these wonders are made possible in part due do to the nature of their forges, which burn with a flame hotter than a dragon's tongue. Working at the forge of a Mountain Dvergr Hold reduces the time needed to produce a Masterwork by 1/3, rounding up.


When crafting a new item, you have three different qualities to work towards, Scrap, Common, and Masterwork.  Scrap costs half the price of the item, and requires no crafting checks. Furthermore, it decreases the base effectiveness of the item. For weapons, this gives them a -1 to attack rolls, and for armor it gives them a -1 to AC.  Commmon costs half the price of the item to craft and requires a base DC13 craft check. This check varies based on the complexity of the equipment you wish to craft.  Masterwork requires twice the crafting time to produce as of the common equipment craft and requires a base DC21 craft check. This check varies based on the complexity of the equipment you wish to craft.   Furthermore, the item is far more effective. For weapons, this gives them a +1 to attack rolls, and for armor it gives them a +1 to AC.


Some equipment is more complex than others to craft. There are three different levels, Simple, Moderate, and Complex. ● Simple items are very easy to craft and can be created quickly, they have a base DC13 to craft (DC21 if Masterwork). Simple items are typically made out of a single piece of steel and have a simple form. To determine how long it takes to craft, take the weight of the equipment and divide by 4 and round up, minimum of 1 day.   i.e. If the equipment weighs 1lb, it takes 1 day to craft.   ● Moderate items can be quickly crafted and have a base DC14 to craft (DC22 if Masterwork). Moderate items are made from a few different pieces of steel and have a few complicated techniques. To determine how long it takes to craft, take the weight of the equipment and divide by 2 and round up, minimum of 1 day.   i.e. If the equipment weighs 8lbs, it takes 4 days to craft.   ● Complex items take a lot longer to craft and have a base DC15 to craft (DC23 if Masterwork). Complex items are made from lots of pieces and have moving parts and complicated forms. To craft the equipment, it takes a number of days equal to the weight of the equipment, minimum of 1 day.   i.e. If the equipment weighs 45lbs, it takes 45 days to craft.   When crafting an item, you need at least 6 hours to dedicate to your work. If you spend more time than that or have an assistant, your GM can determine if you speed up progress on crafting your equipment, but the number of checks required does not change.  

Crafting Checks

When crafting your equipment, you will need to make the appropriate craft check to ensure that your equipment is coming out correctly. Before you begin work on your equipment, you must determine if you are crafting a Masterwork item first or not. If you are crafting Masterwork your upfront costs will increase.   For every seven days you spend crafting your equipment, you must make a Craft check with the DC determined by Quality & Complexity, any days that are in excess of the seven days but don't form another seven days still require a craft check. i.e. If your equipment takes 9 days to craft, you would make 2 craft checks.   If you are working towards Masterwork and fail any of your craft checks, it becomes Common. If you are working towards Common and fail any of your craft checks, you have one chance left to save it. On your next craft check, you have disadvantage on the check. If you fail, or have no more craft checks, than the equipment is Scrap quality.   The craft checks are assumed to happen at the end of the seven days or the end of the day when you finish crafting your equipment. If you fail the roll, you can not use those days you spent crafting an item to craft something else.  

Items You Can Craft

As a blacksmith, you can create a lot of useful equipment, but it must be mostly metal. Some items may require leather or cloth, if it is an important part of the equipment you are unable to craft it. Some items, like Studded Leather, require putting metal studs in leather. If you have the leather armor available, you can craft Studded Leather, otherwise you can't.   If something requires a wooden shaft, a carpenter must make a suitable wooden shaft for it. Likewise, only a carpenter can take the shield fittings you create and complete a finished shield. Certain items may have special properties and they will be addressed in the Special Properties section.


*For Mastercraft, increase DC by 8. Special Properties  Arrow head You can craft a number of arrowheads in a single day equal to your Strength score.  Dart You can craft a number of darts in a single day equal to your Strength score.  Dvergr Crafts These can only be crafted by a dvergr smith  Elven Blades These can only be crafted by an elven smith.  Harpoon Also requires 50 feet of line.  Pike A pike has a long wooden shaft, and may be harder to find than a normal wooden shaft.    Scimitar These can only be crafted by a Vestari smith.  Leather Armor You must have leather armor on hand before adding studs ot plates.  Shield Boss A skilled carpenter is needed to complete a shield.

Crafting Complex Items

  Certain items an be built from multiple pieces of other items. Per the DM's discretion, you might be able to separate the process of working on items into fewer, and easier, checks. A chain hauberk can be made into a full set of chainmail armor, for example. By first crafting the smaller components, you can decrease the complexity of the initial job and make fewer checks for the Complex job.


You may bless an item you create once per Short Rest. The wielder can add the roll of 1D4 to the first attack roll or first saving throw made with the weapon. A smith at 10th level or higher can bless one additional creation per Short Rest. The blessing of a blacksmith is, "May this weapon strike true; may it be wielded with wisdom; may it be put down when its task is done," followed by spitting on the handle. For armor, the first attack made against the armor is made with disadvantage and the blessing is simply to spit on it.. You cannot bless an item more than once.
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