Death Cap Material in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Death Cap

Main Article: Death Cap   Though unassuming looking with a slender, white stalk and white to lightly brown, death cap is dangerous. 12 hours after ingesting the mushroom or an extract of it, a creature must make a DC 17 constitution saving throw or be poisoned. Once a creature is poisoned, it takes 2D8 poison damage and suffers severe stomach aches and cramps lasting 24 hours. If antidote is not taken during this period, the creature’s liver starts being degraded resulting in jaundice and takes 1D10 poison damage at midday until a Greater Restoration or Regenerate is performed or Freyja’s Tears are consumed.  
  • Rarity: Rare (DC 20)
  • Gathering: Herbalism Kit Kit (DC 20)
  • Dose Quantity: 4 heads
  • Location: Forests, Swamps
  • Uses (3):
  • Midnight Tears
  • Pale Tincture
  • Directed Delay
  • Type
    Related Species


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