Gnook Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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A gnook is a spirit that lives in one of its many trees. When one decides to show itself, it usually takes a form resembling a more or less wooden doll-like figure. Gnooks are translucent, and constantly alternate between almost completely transparent to about semi-opaque when they show themselves, sporting relatively oversized, rattling heads with child- or masklike features. Mostly however, these vaunted little spirits tend to stay far out of sight.   A gnook that shows itself stands between 8 and 14 inches tall and has no actual weight to speak of. Gnooks cannot speak, but they can understand all languages. They can understand even unspoken languages and detect surface thoughts. Despite their incorporealness, gnooks often interact passively with their environment as if they were semi-solid (i.e. sitting, walking over, or standing on surfaces), although they also have the ability to slip through them.  


  Gnooks usually remain hidden, either within the trees themselves, or using their ability to turn invisible at will. Gnooks do not fight, although it is unknown whether they can not or will not. Gnooks always start out with a neutral disposition towards any creature, which can become friendly. Gnooks are however never hostile to any creature and simply slink back into the depths of the forest when provoked.
Average Height
8-14 in.
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution


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