Hagweed Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Hagweed is a floating plant, found in Swamps where it covers ponds of still water in verdant carpets of minute green leaves. Deceptively harmless in appearance, these plants thrive in stinking waters where the bodies of animals and travelers alike have sunk to rot. Hagweed is indeed a serious threat to travelers for they make it easier to stumble into the deep pools they cover, thinking to find firmer terraine. Hagweed owes its name to the fact that many stories tell of how Marsh Hags and River Trolls like to lurk beneath the surface of ponds covered with it as corpse candles often appear over such pools and attract the unwary.


Difficult.It can be difficult to gather enough for a full dose.  
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A herbalist must succeed on the appropriate DC 16 check.


Main Article: Hagweed


  • If collected, the leaves of hagweed can be brewed into a salve that strengthens the spirit.
Geographic Distribution


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