Jarl Rank/Title in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Jarl is a rank of the nobility in Mannaheim. In the Astari language, it means "chieftain", particularly a chieftain set to rule a territory in a king's stead. A Jarl is often refered to as a king's "First Axe," and are often bloodthirsty warlords that rule over a cluster of islands or a part of a mainland fjord. Jarls are often conquerors, many having taken their position by killing their predecessor in a Holmganga.   Jarls own not only land, but also the most valueable economic asset of the Astari: longships. Without raids, the meager natural resources of some territories would not be able to support their populations. Jarls allow the Thanes under them to charter their fleet, proven they get the larger share of slaves, loot and they swear an oath to serve them.   No true Astari would accept the rule of an unproven Jarl, and all are expected to be peerless warriors. A Jarl either inheretes their throne or claims it by killing its previous claiment, but becoming jarl is easy compared to maintaining one’s position under constant threat of assassination or overthrow by rivals.
Nobility, Hereditary


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