Linden Tree Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Linden Tree


A tree known by many names and for its many uses, it is a medium to large deciduous broadleaf tree harvested for a multitude of uses. Courtesy of its propensity to produce plenty of sap, it is incredibly valuable to bees, among other pollinators, and ants will form mutualistic relationships with aphids who feed on it. The tree's wood, which is fine-grained and soft, is relatively easy to harvest and the tree will respond to coppicing, especially when young, as it will readily send out new shoots from its base if its trunk is cut or damaged.




Main Article: Part: Wood Usage: Woodworking (woodenware, furniture, wood carvings natural fibers (inner bark) for use as thread or to weave into nets, mats, rope, and clothing Part: Sap Usage: A sweet, refreshing beverage when taken directly from the tree; it can also be boiled down to a syrup


Part: Bark, Flowers, Leaves, Roots Usage (oral): Astringent; diuretic (bark anti-inflammatory, sedative, reduces nerves, soothes stomachaches, decongestant (flowers reduces fever, soothes headaches and sore throats (flowers, leaves dewormer (roots) Usage (topical): Anti-inflammatory, soothes burns (bark, leaves)
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