Meat in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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It is possible to harvest the meat of many creatures, although uncooked meat spoils quickly and often attracts other predators. Some creature types have meat that is inedible (i.e udead), while others carry some sort of stygma (cannibalism, distasteful, unholy). For example, eating a Asgardian or Vanir may be considered a vile, unholy act; while eating a monstrosity may be considered disgusting and distasteful; and Jotnar are too similar to most medium-sized humanoids and is often considered inline with cannibalism. Of course, while buying stygma associated meats is forbidden and possibly illegal in most places, there are always people willing to buy illegal goods (although they may be hard to find).   Creature Type Aberration Beast Y Celestial Construct Dragon Elemental Fey Y Fiend N Giant Y Humanoid Y Monstrosity * Ooze N Plant N Undead N Cannibalism N Disgusting Creature N Inedible No meat Edible Possible Stigma Sellable N N Y N Y N Cannibalism, Worshipped Some are inedible Inedible Y Cannibalism, Holy Creature N Inedible N Y Inedible Inedible Cannibalism, Disgusting Creature N Inedible  
  • Some monstrosities have meat that is edible (DM Discretion)
  • The amount of meat is dependent on the beasts size. The weight of a raw piece of meat is one pound heavier than a ration (one slab of meat, 3 lb. is needed to produce 1 dried ration, 2 lb.).   Beast Size Tiny 5 Small 5 Medium Large 5 Huge 5 DC Meat 1 2 lb. 1d4 3-12 lb. 5 1d6 2d6 6-36 lb. 4d6 12-72 lb. Weight Expire 1 day 3-18 lb. 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day   Eating Meat: Cooked meat can be eaten safely. Cooking meat requires a campfire or oven. Eating raw meat requires a DC 10 Constitution Check. A successful check results in a filling meal. A failure results in debilitating stomach cramps, causing 1 level of exhaustion (disadvantage on ability checks).   Drying Meat: Some meat can be dried using salt, spices, heat and time.   Drying MethodTime DC   Oven 6hours 5   Smoke Hut 2 days 7   Sun 16 hours 15   Set on a hot stone, or hanging from a rack. Higher chance of spoiling.   Smoking must be maintained (can't be left alone for days) Must be in direct sunlight, in over 85°F.

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