Session 3 Report in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Session 3

General Summary

May 18th (continued)

  Mighty lucky to have an indentured Dvergr on hand this night...   ... i...   (Gunnar is talking in a low, somber tone) Jarl Asger works hard to upkeep relations with our stone brethren.   I... i...   How is it that Murdaeg traveled the Naeryofjord peacefully, but suddenly goes rampant in your town?   What is it about this town, about you, that set him off? And then to be honor bound to stay here, no better than a slave at your hands?   He... he could not take a jest!   I NEED NOT YOUR ANSWER!! MEN LIKE YOU HAVE NO PLACE SERVING THE JARL.   Shhhh! I cant have people hearing you speak that way!   Were we not on urgent matters in his name, this would not be the last you hear of it. And the Jarl has more pressing matters to attend to as the viking season approaches. Please! What can I do (he’s clearly scared)   (I get inches from his face, towering over him) Murdaeg is a free Dvergr from this moment. You will provide us with lodging, food and supplies for the road for the evening. Murdaeg is your guest of honor. And if I hear of anyone in this town performing this way to a guest EVER again, it is not the wrath of Asger you will have to fear.         Isa: What are your plans now m Murdaeg?   Murdaeg: as he sorts through pieces of work, gathering tongs and other tools Well, my plan was to continue my journey. You all seem to be a hardy lot. To be honest, I wasn't expecting you all to come out of that so cleanly.   Bairrfionn: We're all still fairly new to one another, but I too am surprised we have all survived.   *Margu makes an impatient noise from Isa's shoulder.*   Murdaeg: Aye, and that is why I'd like to thank you all for putting your well-being on the line for me. That's something worthy of gratitude, but I fear it's more than I have the ability to repay.   Bairrfhionn: Fear not, slavery is an ugly thing. And besides, you're more useful to us free.   Murdaeg: I know you seek answers, and while yes, I am certain my clan could provide more information on this "prison of amber", and possibly even a remedy for it, my home is not near. At all. And to return retraces almost my entire journey that has led me this far.   First of all, I want to thank you all for putting your wellbeing on the line for me. That's something worthy of more gratitude than I have the ability to repay.   Bairrfhionn: Of course. Repaying a debt is one thing. Servitude is wicked. No matter how "fair" it may seem.   Asmund: Murdaeg, perhaps we could help each other Consider coming with us for now. pulls hood down. I don't know what that cloak pin means to you, but you might still find what you're looking for with us.   Murdaeg: Aye, I'd have to agree with you there, bairrfhion. Dvergr aren't usually in the business of forced servitude, but we do honor the laws and rules of the lands we travel, as we'd expect the same of honorable folk in our lands.   Unfortunately, we are no stranger to the ways of the astari and it was my own foolishness and lack of temperament that ended up with my predicament, and thus it was on my own self to restore my standing. *notices asmund pulling his hood down* Well, I can't say that I'm completely surprised, but I thank you for being candid with me.   As you've surmised, I am in fact looking for the owner, the maker, or any info about this pin. I've traveled far, all the way from my hold looking for answers, alas, I've found none so far.   Murdaeg: As far as your question Isa, my plan was to continue my journey. I know you all are seeking to find answers to your problem with the amber, and the attack on your home, and while yes, I'm almost certain my clan could find more information on the magical prison, and possibly even a remedy for it, my home is not close. At all. And it retraces almost my entire journey that has led me this far.   Bairrfhionn: Well Murdaeg, there is strength in numbers. I'd like to say that we could help you. Because from what I've seen. I know you could help us.   Gunnar: I know not the urgency with which you seek your information, Murdaeg, but ours is a mission of much, well, urgency. Help us to your hold, bring us as your guests and we will help you track down the owner of this pin. We travel south beyond this fjord after we ask the Firebrands assess the prison of amber we've described. There we seek a library said to hold a wealth of knowledge. Mayhaps you can find some information there.   Murdaeg: Is your pet fine, Isa?   Isa asks margu what's going on Margu flies away into the night, finally free to look out for things besides the Wyrm.   Aamund: So then...what's the plan? Off to the firebrand hold from here, or do we make yet another stop back in busk?   Bairrfhionn: I am eager to get going, but it would be smart to get fully prepared. We could spend some time in Buskagar and make sure we have everything we need for the journey.   Gunnar: It may be the last comfortable rest we have for quite some time. My friends already have the blessing of hospitality of the Jarl Asger, Murdaeg. I am positive he will extend the same to you. I believe we resolved the matter of your captivity, but it will be up to you whether it needs reporting to him. I assure you, he will not stand for the treatment of guests in his lands as you have been.   Asmund: Mutters under breath Right...comfortable.   Bairrfhionn: Just because you have to watch your back for lying to the jarl and his family doesn't mean the rest of us can't rest easy.   Gunnar: I assure you, Asmund, you have nothing to fear of the Jarl and his family. But I understand your reservation as not all in my town are so... Understanding... Of other cultures. But no one would dare raise arms against you, or you Bairrfhionn, while in my company and under Asger's protection. You needn't hide yourself anymore. Not in this fjord.   Asmund: Bairrfionn, this has less to do with the lie itself and more with what it was concealing. Pull your hood down in the middle of town and say that to me again. I trust you gunnar. And all of you for that matter.   Bairrfhionn: Gunnar, I appreciate the sentiment but I hope you will understand that I will continue to attempt to not draw attention.   Asmund: I was never against going, just that feels less and less like home with every person that knows.   Murdaeg: Well, judgin how well you all have handled yourselves with this task, I would be remiss tae turn down the offer of yer help. I will say this tho, and I mean no offense or judgment iffit changes yer minds, as you owe me nothing.   When we find the owner of this ere pin, it does nae matter who it is, there will be judicious violence, and none who bars the way between my axe and my foe will be spared from my wrath.   King, bandit, man, woman or child, whoever this belonged to, 'as the reck'ning of the firebrand clan 'eaded towards their neck.   Bairrfhionn: Nor would I expect anything else. I know of these feelings you have and will help you act on them if the time arrises. We are of one mind on this matter.   Gunnar: As little as I know of you, Murdaeg, one thing I'm sure of. You are an honorable fellow. Those who have wronged you are now enemies of mine. We will find your retribution. But I ask this first, please. Help my friend.   Asmund: I can't promise you I'll help hurt someone I don't know, but I can help you find them.. at the very least.   Murdaeg: I would na ask you to swear to raise arms against a foe who's identity is unknown, I kin respect that. I only require that you all do not attempt to styme my fury when it comes down to the line. The grudge that I bear does nah require urgency. I ken see that yer situation does. There is one more detail that you must understand of mah home. I kin lead the way, and I kin lead you te my front lawn, but I cannae guarantee an entrance, or audience with my clan within. We mountain dverger seldom let outsiders into our homes, and I cannae do little more than politely request for an audience of those that you would wish to speak with. That bein said, I can freely enter, so if you all would be denied, it might do well fer me ta see the situation in buskagar firsthand, so that I am na bringing a secondhand report back to my elders.   Bairrfhionn: Thank you for the help that you can provide. Whether it is plenty or not does not matter. The fact that you are willing says much   Murdaeg: I am a soldier of the Firebrands. I understand the advantage of 'aving trusted companions at y'er back. By the time we reach Brokkur's Hold, I will no doubt 'ave 'ad plenty o time tah make that judgment with you all. Plus, if what you say about the prison that yer fellow townsmen is 'alf as horrible as ye tell me, then this villain deserves to have the retribution of the mountains levied towards him.   So, as long as you understand what I kin offer, and as long as you all agree not to restrict me from my revenge, I will pledge ta show ye the way.

Rewards Granted

Murdaeg earns a Battleaxe for killing the wyrm.

Missions/Quests Completed

Murdaeg joins the Party

Character(s) interacted with


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