Spruce Tree Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Spruce Tree


A spruce is a large evergreen coniferous tree, from 66–200 feet tall when mature, and can be distinguished by their whorled branches and conical form. The needles, or leaves, of spruce trees are attached singly to the branches in a spiral fashion, each needle on a small peg-like structure called a pulvinus. The needles are shed when 4–10 years old, leaving the branches rough with the retained pulvinus (an easy means of distinguishing them from other similar genera, where the branches are fairly smooth).


Common. Spruce generally occurs in well-drained Forests and Mountains, although it also occurs in the soils of the Tundra.


Main Article:


  • The fresh shoots of many spruces and pines are a natural source of vitamins.


Spruce is useful as a building wood. Spruce wood is used for many purposes, ranging from general construction work and crates to highly specialised uses, and as a tonewood in many musical instruments.


  • The sap can be used to make spruce gum.
  • The leaves and branches, or the essential oils, can be used to brew spruce beer.
  • The resin can be used in the manufacture of pitch.
Geographic Distribution


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