Traust Tradition / Ritual in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Traust is the name of the ancient and sacred guest right among the @Astari.


Traust, or "guest right," is a sacred law of hospitality. When a guest, be he commonborn or king, eats the food and drinks the drink off a host's table beneath the host's roof, guest right is invoked. Bread and salt are traditional provisions.   When invoked, neither the guest nor the host can harm the other for the length of the guest's stay. For either to do so would be to break a sacred covenant that is believed to invoke the wrath of the gods, especially Odinn. Even robber lords and wreckers are bound by the ancient laws of hospitality.   A lord with a bared sword across his knees is making a traditional sign that he is denying guest right.   It is sometimes customary for a host to give guest gifts to the departing guests when they leave the host's dwellings; this usually represents the end of the sacred guest right. In addition, visiting guests will sometimes offer their host guest gifts as gratitude for giving them food and shelter.


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