Vestari Ethnicity in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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The Vestari are the sister race of the Astari and are the more spiritual and nomadic humans of Mannaheim. They live in the forests and mountains, tending their herds of reindeer and mingling with peoples who usually prefer to keep to their own. Though they revear the Æsir for their strength, they tend to favor the Vanir and it is said that the Vestari dwelled in Mannaheim even before the dominion of the Æsir fell over the Realms. Theirs is an ancient way of life, steeped in tradition and secrecy. They are known to be paler skinned than the Astari and tend to have darker hair and eyes. Blonde hair is considered rare among the Vestari and is seen as a sign of a strong connection to the Vanir.  


ability score increase: Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1
age: Vestari live To be nearly 90 years and they are considered adults when they turn 17.
alignment: They can be anything, but they tend to be chaotic
Size: Medium
speed: Your base walking speed is 30 ft.
Languages: Astari (Common), Vestari
race features:
In the Middle. You can choose two extra languages between the Wood Elven, High Elven or Dvergr languages. You are also proficient in the History skill related to any people whose language you know.   Eyes of the Heart. You are proficient in the Insight skill.   Nomadic Vitality. You are familiar with long walks and tiring days. You ignore the penelties of the first level of exhaustion. You are also proficient in the use of over-land vehicles.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Bija, Birta, Cuvie, Delle, Erva, Girsa, Heide, Hilda, Ingir, Lota, Olga, Salla, Solja, Tua, Ulla

Masculine names

Aigin, Ano, Benne, Doavi, Erke, Hanno, Heige, Juho, Mavnos, Mokko, Rija, Skarild, Vide


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