Willow Tree Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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Willow Tree


Willows wood is soft, usually pliant, tough; the trees have slender branches, and large, fibrous, often stoloniferous roots. The roots are remarkable for their toughness, size, and tenacity to life, and roots readily grow from aerial parts of the plant.   The leaves are typically elongated, but may also be round to oval, frequently with serrated margins.
Willows take root very readily from cuttings or where broken branches lie on the ground. Willow roots grow widespread and are very aggressive in seeking out moisture. They can damage structures.


Very Common.


  • Basic crafts, such as baskets, fish traps, wattle fences and wattle and daub house walls, were often woven from osiers (rod-like willow shoots, often grown in coppices).
  • Tannin, fibre, paper, rope and string can be produced from the wood. Thin or split willow rods can be woven into wicker, which also has a long history. The relatively pliable willow is less likely to split while being woven than many other woods, and can be bent around sharp corners in basketry.
  • Charcoal production.


Main Article: Willow Bark
  • Willows all have abundant watery bark sap, which is used as a remedy for aches and fever.
Geographic Distribution


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