Yarrow Species in Mannaheim | World Anvil
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On the coasts and in the Grasslands in Spring, Summer, and Autumn, this sprawling fernlike shrub explodes into bunches of tiny flowers in dozens of colours to form a floral canopy.


Easy. It grows wild in spring, especially in Grasslands and Coastal regions. However, it is easily confused for several other bunched white plants -- some of which are quite toxic.
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Main Article: Yarrow
  • Scent: The plant has a strong, sweet scent.
  • Drought resistance, combats soil erosion.
  • The plant is a frequent component of butterfly gardens.
  • Yarrow is considered an especially useful companion plant, repelling some insect pests while attracting good, predatory ones. It attracts predatory wasps, which drink the nectar and then use insect pests as food for their larvae. Similarly, it attracts ladybugs and hoverflies. Its essential oil kills the larvae of mosquitoes.


The herb is is useful as a diaphoretic, astringent, tonic, stimulant, mild aromatic, and treatment for inflammation. It is used topically for wounds, cuts and abrasions.   The dark blue essential oil, extracted by steam distillation of the flowers, is generally used as an anti-inflammatory or in chest rubs for colds.
Geographic Distribution


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