Raei, the Everlight Character in Mänterra | World Anvil

Raei, the Everlight


Goddess of atonement and compassion, Raei spreads the message of understanding and optimism in even the darkest of places.
She believes that the corrupt can be redeemed, a mindset that led to a betrayal by the Lord of the Nine Hells, who decimated her followers during the Calamity. This misplaced trust caused many priests to strike her name from historical records, leaving her title and faith scattered to obscurity for much of the recent age.
Only recently has her faith been rediscovered and her temples returned to prominence. The Everlight’s followers are often rural healers and community philosophers, offering a voice of reason and empathy in angry and cynical times.   Raei guides her people from within her temple beside the crystal beaches of the Island of Renewal, a hidden sanctuary of flame alongside the Blessed Fields of Elysium.

Divine Domains

Life, Light

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Humanoid, feminine phoenix   Those who bring the Everlight’s words back to the light unearth her image from ruined temples, or create new art to inspire others with her message.
Raei is represented as a beautiful, strong woman with dark skin and light hair, rising betwixt a set of angelic ivory wings.

Tenets of Faith

  • Lead with mercy, patience, and compassion. Inspire others to unite in fellowship.
  • Aid those who are without guidance. Heal those who are without hope.
  • Those who are beyond redemption, who revel in slaughter and remorseless evil, must be dispatched with swift justice.


The Everlight’s holy day has been long forgotten, and her followers have yet to decide when her festival should be held and what the festivities should be.
The debate has gone on for years, and no great miracles have yet been performed to unify the squabbling clerics.
Divine Classification
Prime Deity
Neutral Good


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