Donar Baraz

Donar Baraz

Donar grew in the town of Harak on the foothills of the migthy Ironroot Mountains. A town that venerates Trudd, an ancient dwarven god whose texts and teachings were found in the ruins deep within the mountains. Donar was the strong kid of the group and found his values reflected in the god's teachings. It was of no surprise to anyone that the calling of a war priest sounded deep within him.   When conscription came, Donar didn't want to fight battles that weren't his for people who at best would mock him for his faith. So, he said goodbye to his wife and son and served as a field medic during the war as he would rather not hurt those who didn't deserve to be hurt; to the disappointment of the other dwarves who would love to trust his axe arm.   He joined a war hospital in Breland where, amidst the horror, he became close friends with many of the other surgeons. But, when peace finally followed, it wouldn't be the nightmares nor the companionship that would cause him to kiss his wife, son and newborn daughter good-bye a second time and make his way back to Breland. It would be the feverish last words of a dwarf grasping at his stone axe necklace: "Now I join Trudd, son of Torag"


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