Jurian ir'Wynarn

Jurian Ir'Wynarn is a prince of Aundair and the second son of Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn and her consort Sasik d'Vadalis. His older brother is Crown Prince Wrogar and his youngers siblings are teen-aged princes Juiliard and Corrine.

Shortly after signing the Treaty of Thronehold in 996 YK, Queen Aurala outlawed dueling in an effort to prevent Aundairian's from killing Aundairian's. Nevertheless, no sooner was the ink dry on the decree parchment than Jurian found himself the winner of an honor duel over a woman--and his lordly foe dead. Jurian immediately fled Aundair, choosing exile over the embarrassment of forcing his mother's hand.

In theory, Aundairian agents are supposed to be pursuing Jurian, but now he lives the life of a wealthy playboy-in-exile. The Aundairian wine he's fond of has dulled neither his wits nor his reflexes, and some suspect that the prince is doing more than socializing as he moves from noble manor to dragonmarked villa across the Five Nations. Jurian served a stint in the Aundairian military and had the finest fencing instructors the royal court could provide, so his victory in the last duel was no accident.

Date of Birth
Lharvion (July) 7th
Year of Birth
977 YK 21 Years old


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