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Opportunista are mixotrophic organisms, which are not able to swim acively, but crawl on the ground or drift with the currents. They can freely switch between feeding on light or feeding on other cells. Their sensory organs only detect changes in pressure and chemical composition, but they don't have light sensitive spots. The mixotrophs all possess two nuclei, one with RNA- and one with DNA-strings. They can live on a wide variety of energy sources, including light, sulfur, nitrogen and iron. The group is rather divers and a lot of it's members have symbiotic relationship with diffrent kinds of Corticeans . Opportunista make cysts to survive in unfavourable conditions, such as dry shorelines that only recive water during storm floods or to low or to hight temperatures. The cysts can endure those circumstances for very long times, possibly eternal, before being activated again.   Opportunista can reproduce sexually and asexually, but when reproducing asexually they tend to form clumps of cells, which in turn enables the colony to overwhelm bigger prey.
Domain: Primakaryota   Sub-Domain: Opportunista


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