Heywood Lunsine Character in Marhalla | World Anvil
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Heywood Lunsine

Heywood Lunsine

Heywood was an orphan in the empire of kalesh. He and his 'brother' Xil Akesh made their way through the streets each slowly picking up magic and using that to steal or trick people out of money. One of their favorite tricks was to terrorize towns with Heywood's summons and then they get the town to pay them a bounty to deal with it. Sometimes they would have the summon attack the town and use Xil's lightning to make a big display of killing the creature. Eventually they were found out, but to their surprise they were invited to a magical college to further study and enhance their ability. Heywood and Xil caused mischief there, but when they tried to create a massive lightning creature by combining their powers they ended up blowing up one of the towers of the college they were at. They decided to run and were hiding from the law when they received an invitation from Sunreach to join the University of the Sun. They accepted as they didn't know how long they could keep running and hoped they could learn even more from the university.

Mental characteristics


Heywood is surprisingly well read for someone of his temperament. Most people who initially meet him and see how he acts and how he presents himself assume that he is a stupid delinquent kid who constantly gets into trouble. While this isn't entirely untrue Heywood reads a surprising amount of books, often reading several in a single day, and is extremely good at recalling the information that he reads. He tests well at the University of the Sun, and understands spells inside and out. One of his favorite tricks to pull is when headmasters are trying to display a spell to teach the other students he dispels it trying to make them look foolish. Heywood knows a lot, but still acts like an immature kid.


Heywood is currently a student at the University of the Sun. He was being trained to become a Vox Ratio, or a court mage in Sunreach. However, his temperament leads him to be ill-suited to becoming one as he would certainly cause trouble if he got anywhere near court life. So Heywood remains in the University of the Sun and assists in the Hall of Fabrication creating magic items for Sunreach and to export to other nations. He will occasionally put quirks and oddities into the magic items, but Bramblebranch has gotten adept at spotting him while doing so and as such doesn't do it as much. Heywood also spends a large portion of his time in the library assisting in research and discerning important information from volumes of text.

Morality & Philosophy

Heywood is very volatile and often does what he wants if he thinks that it will be funny to do. He is capable of understanding a dangerous situation and not pulling his pranks then, but will still pretend like he is about to. Heywood doesn't think anything is off limits and will always try to make a joke or pull a prank in any situation that won't end in their deaths.

Personality Characteristics


For all his love of playing practical jokes on people Heywood is extremely driven to learn. He loves to learn, and not just because it helps him to pull more and more elaborate pranks. Heywood likes to gain knowledge and constantly helps to search for libraries filled with lost knowledge. Heywood intends on finding a library lost hundreds of years. As an orphan he had no name and named himself Heywood after the last known person who had access to the library. He wants to find it to see what secrets it holds.

Heywood is an extraordinarily bright yet stupid individual. He knows so much, yet uses this knowledge for the smallest and dumbest things. Heywood is a mischief maker and constantly reads books and tomes to learn new ways to trick them and cause confusion

Current Location
University of the Sun
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Chaotic Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5ft 5in
155 lbs


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