With the rise of Mo'Canu's moon came the dawn of the 4th age, the Arcanera For the first time, the wonders of magic were no longer constrained to the priests and patrons of higher beings. Anyone with the determination or natural talent to harness this power could do so and this sparked a change across the globe. 1500 years have passed since the coming of the New moon and the people of Marn have adapted to the new gifts it has brought with it. there is still much that is unknown. Where did it come from, how did it bestow magic to the world, and how is it always in the same place in the sky, no matter where in the world you are. While scholars still seek these answers, most are grateful for this perceived gift from the Aspects. Marn has always been a world of wonder and danger, but now more people have the freedom to venture off into the wilds of the world and seek whatever glory or fortune they desire. Where some follow a calling of duty and charity, others walk a darker path fueled with this new strength. There are many roads in Marn, but few brave enough to walk them.