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Yenzaren Rienas

The Great Yenzaren Rienas (a.k.a. Handsome)

Always living in the shadow of his father, Yenzaren set off on an adventure to make a name for himself and become even more famous than his father. He can always be found holding a glass of wine and playing with the ring on his finger.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A well-groomed slender man.

Body Features

Slim, toned, fit

Facial Features

A chiseled face with a short beard and combed back hair that never looks out of place.

Special abilities

Has the perfect outfit for every occasion.

Apparel & Accessories

Can always be found holding an ornate challis and is never seen without his ring. He is usually in a suit of some sort that is always pressed to perfection

Mental characteristics

Personal history

He grew up wealthy as his father Zanaros was a great hero of the lands. Their family was always traveling so Zanaros has seen many parts of Maruthar. While his father was out saving the world, Yen spent a lot of time with his mother, Nasri. She made sure he studied and grew up very smart but Yen didn't care about that. He just wanted to be a hero like his father. But like his mother, he had no magical abilities and the only reason his father did was from the abduction. He had to rely on his physical strengths but no matter how hard he tried it was never good enough.   As he grew older, he grew more jealous of his father and this led to more fights between them. See his father thought he was worthless because he wasn't keeping up with his studies and was always getting into trouble around the towns. Yen also developed a drinking problem. He realized that dropping his father's name usually got him whatever he wanted. Living like this made Yen into a very charismatic man the usually could talk himself into or out of any situation.   He figured this was his way into adventuring, this was his role in a party. He talked a group of young men into leaving their families to go back a name for themselves. They did well for themselves until one day they got into a situation that they couldn't get out of. They found out about this forbidden cave with many valuables but with great danger. Of course, Yen talked his friend into going down the cave where they did find many valuables but not much danger. Until they tried to leave they followed the same path out but this time it led to an empty chamber instead of outside. In the middle of this chamber was a lamp that looked very old and not very valuable. The party leaves the chamber but every path now leads back here.   Tried of walking Yen walks over to the lap and rubs is clean. To his surprise, it starts to shake and grow warm. A thick black smoke erupts from the lamp filling the chamber. When the smoke dissipates the party is greeted by Efriti the fire genie. He offers Yenzaren great power as long as Yen finds him good servants to bring into the elemental plane. Yen agrees and Efriti forges him a ring and tells him congratulations his name will be praised across the lands soon. The smoke retracts back into the lamp with Efriti following. However, the lamp keeps sucking as it pulls Yen's party into it leaving him all alone. In his head he here Efriti's voice saying thank you for the donations.   Yen feels sick knowing he will never see his friend again but now he finally has a power that will make him more powerful than his father ever was.....

Gender Identity



I just eat pussy, other people need food   But after seeing Forge tree truck of a dick it might be a 90%-10% swing.


Homeschooled by mother.


Yenzaren lives from job to job never worrying about the future.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became a Genie

Mental Trauma

He has always lived in his father's shadow and this has always made him doubt himself. However, if seen in public you would never know as he is always the center of attention and bragging about his great accomplishments.

Intellectual Characteristics

Self Centered

Morality & Philosophy

Do things to make me more famous and powerful.


The sacrifice he has to make for his powers


Family Ties

My father is Zanaros  My mother is  I am an only child

Religious Views

None, I am my God


Always speaking to impress so many of his mannerisms are very exaggerated.

Hobbies & Pets

Drinking and hanging out in brothels


Clear and clever

Wealth & Financial state

Yenzaren comes from a wealthy family, gold means nothing to him.

A handsome Half-Elf that gets his magical abilities from an unknown source. He is the son of Zanaros Rienas a hero in the lands of Maruthar.

Character Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Great (Self-proclaimed)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Goblin


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